LEMURIAN SCROLL #2 FOR TEACHER SOULS By Phillip Elton Collins This Scroll contains the wisdom of SELF that we are learning to master, creating freedom. Self is how we have chosen to experience 3D reality in being human. This Scroll is for those who intend to apply these wisdoms to themselves and share these teachings[…]
Uriel Message #12: If Not Now, When? Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings from the “Be-Loved” vortex and energy and consciousness of Uriel. Today we would like to speak about “If not now, when?” There is only now, dear ones. You have had your illusionary past and future effect you long enough. They have not[…]
Uriel Message #3: Our Planet’s Soul Plan Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings once again from the vortex you call Uriel. For far too long your planet has gone without knowing your divine plan, or should we say, remembering the divine plan of your planet. Quite simply, but not so simply for you, the divine[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Why Things Are The Way They Are No matter what you may have been taught, we are not here to be punished in any way at any time during or after physical[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Presence And The Ego If we so choose through our free will, it is time to make our nearest and dearest relationship with the present Now moment. Our relationship with Now is[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Positive (Good) And Negative (Bad) Positive=negative; negative = positive. We are all learning to balance these equations. We have a tendency to label facets of our life (health, aging, death, birth, growth,[…]
Fourteen Decrees For Ascension By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network This is a partial iteration and extension of the SEVEN PATHS TO ASCENSION previously received from the once human Ascended Masters higher realms (who have mastered and applied these decrees and are once again now sharing them with we humans). In-depth details[…]
Seven Paths To Our Evolution/Ascension By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network It is our destiny as human beings to ascend to a higher frequency of existence. Received from the once human Ascended Masters higher realms (who have mastered and applied these paths) here are the requirements that will increase our consciousness[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Meaning, Value And Purpose Of Life In our 3D existence, we decided we needed time to know we are in this dimension. But in reality life is always now. The past was[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Meaning Of Emotions Higher realms often teach that emotions (emoted feelings) created our thoughts. Unconscious assumptions create emotions which in turn generate mind activity which creates our personal reality. Many people do[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Knowing Self Many go through life afraid to have a deep examination of themselves; they are fearful of what they may see and taking responsibility for that is just too much. If[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) The Ill Ego It is essential to know that our egos are ill and are dysfunctional no matter how they express ego. When we are seduced in ego we nor our ego[…]
NEW YEAR DAY 2019 (Inspired from the Higher Realms from whence we came.) To: The new you in the New Year, As our Mother Earth is surely ascending into a higher frequency of existence so are we humans on the surface of her body. So, within this continuing miraculous process what is instore for we[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Formless And Form Source/All There Is/Creation is formless consciousness and the divine essence of who we are. Everything else is form. Through us, creation is becoming aware of itself. A healed, balanced[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Consciousness, The Awakener During our human evolution/ascension process now, perhaps for the first time on our planet we have a free willed choice to be conscious or not. We are mastering the[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Abandoning Role Playing In our 3D world (emotions, thoughts, physicality) of major role-playing throughout our culture, it is refreshing to find the few who do not hide behind an ego mind made[…]
Click here to hear the Codes Of Angelic Access Podcast Listen in as The Council Of Archangelic Realms (Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel – via conscious channel Phillip Elton Collins), Jyude Allbright and SAM discuss sixteen Codes Of Angelic Access.
Higher Realm Teaching Tools Click here to hear Higher Realm Teaching Tools No matter how things appear in the outside chaotic world, remember our ascension/evolutionary process is one of inside out, not outside in. It is our destiny during this heightened cycle for humanity to ascend to a higher state of consciousness/beingness (consciously[…]
Saint Germain’s Glossary: 4 Click here to hear Saint Germain’s Glossary-4 Podcast Listen to inspiring and informative word definitions from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” and receive energetic downloads. Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!
AN OPEN LETTER TO HUMANITY From Archangel Uriel, Guardian of Humanity and Earth Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network “WHAT’S GOING ON AND WHY?” Early Summer, 2017 Dear Beloved Humans being human, We come to you once again during this crucial time of the ascension of your planet and humanity. This message[…]
Saint Germain’s Glossary: 3 Click here to hear Saint Germain’s Glossary-3 Podcast Listen to inspiring and informative word definitions from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses.” Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!
Five Fundamental Shifts Needed To Advance As A Species Click here to hear Five Fundamental Shifts. Through the continued chaos and change taking place within our world and lives, let us remember/know we are experiencing a “resetting” of the divine soul plan compass of the planet and humanity; the compass being our evolution into[…]
These new teachings way show how we may also ascend from the third to the fifth dimension and achieve our own personal Ascended Mastership (AM).
OBSERVING THE HAND OF HIGHER REALMS (In The Creation Of The United States Of America…) By Phillip Elton Collins in concert with St. Germain Many of the creators of The Constitution of the United States were profoundly aware that the document was divinely inspired and that its principles and reality often moved beyond the[…]
Dear Beloved Students, As we share together the precious pathway of The Constitution of The United States let us review FOUR key principles necessary to preserve this mighty energetic intention and document that was the glorious gift from we of the higher realms. OBSERVING THE HAND OF PROVIDENCE It was observed by many of your[…]
World Happenings Exactly What, Why And What Can You Be And Do About It From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher and Guardian Received By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Humans Beings Being Human, Your world and many of your personal lives appears in upheaval and chaos at this time. Please allow[…]
Prosperity/Abundance From Archangel Uriel, World teacher & Guardian Received by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Humans Being Human, Being prosperous and/or abundant is a process of inside out, not outside in. It is all based upon your relationship with self (self being a reflection of ALL THERE IS), and mirroring that[…]
The Year Of The Starseed, 2016 From: DIVINE DISCUSSIONS: Higher Realms Speaking Directly To Us… By Phillip Elton Collins Published By The Angel News Network As many of you know, this beautiful planet Earth was ‘seeded’ by twelve different star systems bringing the highest qualities of each star system into our Earthly plane. We[…]
My Spiritual Publishing/Marketing Strategy Even though highly trained at Young & Rubicam Advertising, New York City, as a marketing professional, I am consciously choosing that those divine souls who connect with my seven metaphysical/spiritual books do so through their own synchronicity, resonance and discernment. While I have also partnered and worked with some of[…]
BEING A CHANNEL OF HIGHER REALMS By Phillip Elton Collins Co-founder of The Angel News Network We are all designed and destined to be channels of higher realms, communicating with frequencies and consciousness beyond the human mind and bringing that wisdom into humanity. In fact, it has never not been that way. All[…]
SEPARATING FROM SEPARATION INTO ONENESS Given by The Council of Archangelic Realms (CAR) Received by Phillip Elton Collins, co-founder of the Angel News Network Dear Beloved Human Beings, Being So Human, Many of you know we of the angelic realms, throughout your chaotic history, have loved and supported humanity through the many[…]
Coming Home To Your Beingness Given By The Beings of Cosmic Consciousness Received By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Human Beings, being human and beyond, We are the Beings of Cosmic Consciousness and our eternal home is the Askashic Records, The Halls of Wisdom containing all knowledge. Our Earthly home[…]
June 25, 2015 Divine Discussions What Is Life And The True Cure For Disease-3 Dear Beloved Angel News Network Soul Family, Our three part DIVINE DISCUSSIONS teaching on WHAT IS LIFE AND THE TRUE CURE OF DISEASE is a resounding success. Archangels Gabriel and Raphael through channel Phillip Elton Collins, join us during these[…]