LEMURIAN SCROLL #3 FOR ADEPT SOULS “Codes Of Creation To Ascend” Represented by Phillip Elton Collins This final Lemurian Scroll #3 is for we adept souls who chose to come back into this dense 3D frequency to assist in the evolution of humanity. This scroll is all about applying/being what has been learned in order[…]
LEMURIAN SCROLL #2 FOR TEACHER SOULS By Phillip Elton Collins This Scroll contains the wisdom of SELF that we are learning to master, creating freedom. Self is how we have chosen to experience 3D reality in being human. This Scroll is for those who intend to apply these wisdoms to themselves and share these teachings[…]
Uriel Message #13: Commitment Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings from the loving consciousness of Uriel, at this most glorious time in your earth’s history. Presently we would like to speak to you about commitment – commitment to yourself and others. Without commitment to yourself, you cannot have a commitment toward/with others, dear ones. The[…]
Uriel Message #11: Beloved Channel Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings to our “Be-Loved” channel of the vortex, the energy, the realm of God’s light known as Uriel. You have had many earth life times to prepare for the work you are about to do.We are “de-lighted” that you have chosen “to be”, in all[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Why Things Are The Way They Are No matter what you may have been taught, we are not here to be punished in any way at any time during or after physical[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) We Are Not Our Egos When our egos are in confrontation, let our mantra be: “This is an illusion fighting to survive, and it is truly not who I am.” When[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Right And Wrong Anything that you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you. You cannot judge or shame another without it being a reflection of your relationship with[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Reducing The Ego’s Energy Our egos are always on the look-out for anything that reduces it. Our ego has many ego defenses to repair any situation that makes it less than. Our[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Reaction Versus Response Our ego loves to react deep from within our emotional body to situations by emoting a strong emotion, attempting to control the situation in an effort to get what[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Presence And The Ego If we so choose through our free will, it is time to make our nearest and dearest relationship with the present Now moment. Our relationship with Now is[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Positive (Good) And Negative (Bad) Positive=negative; negative = positive. We are all learning to balance these equations. We have a tendency to label facets of our life (health, aging, death, birth, growth,[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Our Malfunctioning When we examine the human condition it appears we are fatally flawed. It’s almost like our genes have been altered by some advanced civilization in the past to keep us[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) The Now Moment, Presence The primary reason for our existence in being human is to bring the dimension of consciousness into our personal lives, thus the world. This is achieved by being[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Never Enough As mentioned earlier, the ego identifies with having, but its satisfaction in having is often short lived. Having is an ego created illusion to give density, permanence, feeling superior or[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Multi-Ego: The Many Ego Roles Most of us are unconscious of the many roles our egos play. These role are often obvious to others but not to us playing them. Our egos[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) More On The Mind Through only connecting with the mind, a false sense of self (ego) came into existence. Our level of density is dependent upon the degree we are connected only[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Meaning Of Emotions Higher realms often teach that emotions (emoted feelings) created our thoughts. Unconscious assumptions create emotions which in turn generate mind activity which creates our personal reality. Many people do[…]
Mindalia Presents “How Our Thoughts Affect Our Reality” With Phillip Elton Collins!
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Knowing Self Many go through life afraid to have a deep examination of themselves; they are fearful of what they may see and taking responsibility for that is just too much. If[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Inner And Outer Lives Our inner/etheric lives (bodies) are not solid but limitless. These are not our physical bodies but the divine life force that maintains and sustains our physical lives (bodies).[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) I Wanna Be Famous Our current narcissistic culture-value of fame is a popular manifestation of our ego-oriented, insane world today. When we buy the false image that the media has created of[…]
Why Don’t More People Accept Spiritual Truth ? In the end, spiritual truth is an essential aspect of the healing for the maladies of disillusionment and discouragement of unhappiness, inequality, lack of harmony and balance in our world. So why don’t more people accept this truth? Many still believe that the total human condition/experience is[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Elements Of The Ego Our egos are completely trapped in time (past and future) and being able to know our reality. Some of the basic things we attach with are relationships, things,[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Being Possessed, The Madness Of The Mind When we are constantly connecting with the silent ‘voice’ in our head with a constant river of insistent negative emotions and thinking, we are ‘possessed[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Being Happy Mask Appearing to be happy can be a mask where people hide/cover pain and suffering. Depression (repressed rage) and breakdowns are common when unhappiness is masked behind a false happiness facade.[…]
WHAT DOES THE SOLAR ECLIPSE MEAN? By Philip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network As many of us who resonate with the identity of lightworker/wayshower know, multi-dimensional higher realm energies are coming into our Earth plane like never before during 2017 affecting our human emotional, mental and physical bodies. We who call ourselves channels[…]
AN OPEN LETTER TO HUMANITY From Archangel Uriel, Guardian of Humanity and Earth Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network “WHAT’S GOING ON AND WHY?” Early Summer, 2017 Dear Beloved Humans being human, We come to you once again during this crucial time of the ascension of your planet and humanity. This message[…]
State Of The Union Phillip Elton Collins The Angel News Network Knowing we have all chosen to be within this divine experiment in diversity, and as a response (not a reaction) to the division and duality we are currently experiencing within these sometimes not so “United” States of America may I share: We all[…]
CHOOSING TO BE A COSMIC CITIZEN More and more I am mastering the essential reality of letting go of this three dimensional world of our emotions, thoughts and physical natures and embracing my new reality of being a citizen of the cosmos. I don’t plan to abandon my life within this frequency but[…]
World Happenings Exactly What, Why And What Can You Be And Do About It From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher and Guardian Received By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Humans Beings Being Human, Your world and many of your personal lives appears in upheaval and chaos at this time. Please allow[…]
BEING A CHANNEL OF HIGHER REALMS By Phillip Elton Collins Co-founder of The Angel News Network We are all designed and destined to be channels of higher realms, communicating with frequencies and consciousness beyond the human mind and bringing that wisdom into humanity. In fact, it has never not been that way. All[…]
The meaning, value and purpose of this cyber-place is to reveal and share in detail the often unseen levels of consciousness; whose responsibility and service is to love, support and guide us through a personal process: a contract of being human. We have all chosen to be here. Humanity would be incomplete without each and[…]