Many of us are now aware that our planet and species are involved in a shift like never before within our recorded history. This shift has happened before in past golden ages. Now the old paradigm of our governments, religions, corporations, educational and medical institutions (which control us) are once again not meeting the needs of the people. We are now waking up to this reality and becoming ready to commit to creating a new, true reality of equality and balance.
Many of the tools and teachings to effect change are coming from higher realms, not the human mind. This is a challenge for some and not so for many. The truth is that these higher forces have been supporting humanity for eons in moving us into a divine destination of unity and oneness for all. Are we ready to fully embody the truth that forces outside ourselves can and will assist us in creating a world that reflects a “universal wisdom,” allowing us to move into an evolved reality? Through our discernment and resonance (how we feel about something, an internal gyro system), we can employ this higher support or not.
There are many human teachers and messengers receiving guidance from higher realms and bringing them to us. How do you know who is true and whom to trust? Let’s create some guidelines that can help us:
Being the Message: Pay attention if the one bringing higher truths to us appears to have private and public personas that are not the same. There are those teaching one thing and being another. This deceit will no longer work in our world of faster cyber-communication and transportation. Do they seem intent on selling you something, a remedy or workshop, at an inflated price that reflects their wounded ego? Then they just may be involved in their endeavor to be validated and gratified and not truly care about helping. Being the message is essential.
Being in a Personal Process: It is essential that we be involved in a deep examination of the self through a process that supports our highest good. You can do this individually or with others. There are many metaphysical therapists trained to support this process.
But use your discernment and resonance to find the one who feels right for you. Our advancement is a process of inside out, not outside in. If someone tells you otherwise, use your discernment. If someone is attempting to fix you from the outside in—“Take this, or do that”—beware. You will apply what resonates on your own timetable and throw the rest out the window. Knowing who you are, why you are here within your talents and gifts, and what brings you joy are fundamental to this process. We are all in an eternal process of growth and expansion.
Your Divine Birthright: Know in your heart that whatever is happening within you and the world is a divine process taking place. No one else is “making” anything happen except you being supported by higher realms (whatever you chose to call them). If someone else’s names for these higher realms resonate, apply them; if not, don’t. Our ability to grow and expand is a natural part of who we are. Awakening/remembering your divinity (not necessarily associated with any religion) is key. You are divinity expressing itself within each and every moment. Look at the world around you; “we the people” are demanding our divinity and equality.
Spirituality in the Way: Let us be careful of “thinking” that because we are spiritual we are special or that it makes us better than anyone else. As in many matters in humanity, spirituality can also be used to say we are special and know the true path to enlightenment. There are many paths to the same destination. We are all going to get “there”; it’s just a matter of when and how we chose to learn. It’s your divine right to be/to do so. Each unique one of us is on a specific point on our path. Let us accept this with compassion for self and others.
It’s All about Love: We are all on this planet of “lover-versity” to learn to love self, which allows love of others. If we so chose, we create communities of equality, harmony, and balance that support a universal cosmic love. And if we so chose, we can and will create a new Golden Age of Oneness. What do you chose?
With so much clearing and cleansing taking place in our bodies at this crucial time, I thought it essential to again discuss the energetic components of life and what within these can effect a cure for the diseases we have and are manifesting. There will come a time when humanity is freed from disease and lives in an immortal state of perfect health. But until that time, allow this “divine discussion” to support our highest good. This life-empowering, medical-altering teaching is adapted from The Second Coming: The Archangel Gabriel Proclaims a New Age, by spiritual journalist and author Joel D. Anastasi, channeled by Robert Baker.
The Light of Source never fails.
Phillip Elton Collins
A Brief Review: Archangel Gabriel Discusses
What are the energetic forces that create life?
What are the true cause and effect of disease that standard medicine does not know or recognize?
Why are we still largely treating symptoms? Are we sure to “cause no harm”?
Why are immune deficiency diseases like cancer and HIV now some of the largest killers in the world?
Most of our current treatments involve “fighting” a disease. What we resist persists. Is there a “neutral” way to heal?
Do we really die or transition into our permanent nonphysical form?
Is the human mind the only resource where we can answer the above questions? Are science and our minds ready for solutions that do not come from the human mind, but support our highest good? Has it always been this way during our evolution as a species? Yes, it has!
DNA, The Basis Of Life
There are sixty-four on-sites in DNA (current science knows forty-four). An on-site is a place in the DNA molecule where a waveform (energy) moves across it connecting two points. In connecting these two points, it produces the amino acids needed to create the chemical interactions in the endocrine system (which we are just beginning to learn the importance of), to bring strength and balance to the immune system and reproduction of the cells to restore the life, balance, and harmony of the physical body. DNA regenerates life. Without these connections, life in the physical body cannot continue.
Our bodies renew all their atoms every year. Every few months our skin renews; some of our organs completely reconstruct on an atomic level. This happens through a production of mitosis and reproduction through the instructions of our DNA molecule, since the DNA molecule instructs organisms through the genetic code. So, when the on-sites connect, producing amino acids, it restores health, well-being, and balance to our bodies. Current science has figured out much of this.
When all the DNA on-sites (forty-four to sixty-four) are connected, this will bring about immortality in the physical. This is your destiny as a species, and our science is catching up to the importance of so-called “junk” DNA as the source to this immortality.
The Body Meant To Be
Your bodies are designed to be healthy and well all the time. Disease is a distortion of the processes of the physical body. Disease is a distortion of the emotional, mental, and physical processes. What we feel and think has a dramatic impact on the physical. Our sciences are also catching up to this reality.
The human body has three energetic diaphragms. There is one in the anus, one in the solar plexus, and one in the throat. A spiral of energy moves up from the base of the spine to your crown (the Kundalini sexual spiral). The other, the erotic spiritual spiral, moves down from the crown to the base. When these forces are unimpeded, it creates a wave called the orgasmic wave through the body, an experience of orgasm that creates a sensation of pleasure and excitement in the body, and supports your desire to be here. This is the life energy itself that current science cannot explain.
When we experience pain or trauma, we begin to shut down our ability to experience those waves of pleasure and excitement for life in order to get rid of or avoid the pain. When this happens, we begin to develop armor rings of blocked energy and blocked emotions in various layers in the body, like layers of an onion. These are horizontal rings, chronically impacted in the muscle tissues, which prevent movement of the pulsation wave up and down in the body to create the sensation of life and pleasure. The pain becomes a “wound” and we develop “ego defenses” to survive/protect the wound. (A discussion of wounds and defenses is an entire teaching in itself, but know that we can identify an individual’s wounds and defenses easily and assist in diagnosis and healing.)
Where are these armor rings? There are seven armor rings altogether. There are armor rings in the ocular layers around the eyes and cheekbones; another in the area of the jaw, lips, and tongue; another in the throat, upper shoulders, and neck; another in the chest and arms; and others in the solar plexus, the upper abdominal region, and the pelvis and legs.
How And When Armor Rings Develop
The armor rings develop at various times during childhood development, creating experiences of shutdown with the sexual energy, the erotic force, and the love force (the various energies of life, and lessons unto themselves), restricting the ability to experience the flow of life through the body. This creates a disconnection from our nonphysical, eternal soul and the armoring of the five primary ego defenses. Your ego then maintains and sustains these layers of armored defense chronically in the body. Your body becomes more self-contained as life goes on. You grow into adulthood and shut down more and more, experiencing less pleasure and excitement for life, limiting your life force into a “comfort zone” where you are living or responding to little of life.
Your nervous system then becomes an editing system that edits out everything except what the ego has decided is safe.
So, in effect, we are often living through the illusion of our ego, defending ourselves against life, which stops the flow of energy of the above three forces. The flow of the balance of giving and receiving—the masculine and feminine energies where love and the expression of being connected live—is stopped. We stay in the “me” consciousness, not able to move into “we” consciousness. This is currently changing within our species.
Energetic Information
The energetic structure of your body is the key element missing in standard medical practice. The body is the vehicle through which the spirit (energy) expresses itself when spirit is awakened (conscious). The energetic spirit aspect of the body cannot be conscious if the body (emotional, mental, and physical) is armored within its processes. The energetic aspect of you is always there—it is not something outside yourself—but it cannot function properly if there are layers of wounds/defenses between you and it.
What Causes Disease
Through ownership you can begin to ease and free yourselves from disease. All disease is caused by each of you (as a tool to learn what you came here to learn; it is not to make you a victim). All disease is simply caused by imbalances in the functioning of the individual, based upon imbalances in the individual emotionally, mentally, and energetically.
Until you understand and accept that life force (energy) interfered with or interrupted is what creates disease, you will never be able to conquer the illusion of disease in which you currently believe (which is shifting).
Again, life force interruption occurs within your physical body when you have rings of energetic and emotional armoring in the tissues of the body that prevent the life force from flowing freely up through the body. That energy has to go somewhere. If it is confined in a limited space, it attempts to move and interferes with the organs or the areas of the body where it is trapped. There are forms of energetic healing (Reiki, light ascension, hands-on) that greatly assist by allowing the energy to flow properly.
Current Medical Community
Your mass medical community has no cognizance of the fact that energy is the source of creation (although this is beginning to change). Therefore, what happens with energy is what creates disease, not what happens with the physical body. The physical body does not create disease. The physical body simply registers disease because it is a hologram or a barometer of what is happening in the areas of creation that produce the physical body.
So, all disease starts energetically, emotionally, and mentally. Then this is translated into the hologram reactions of the physical body. The physical body simply registers symptoms. Thus, the medical profession at large treats symptoms. Its practitioners try to get rid of symptoms. But they don’t get to the source of the disease because they do not understand or refuse to understand energy. They do not understand how emotion creates the movement of energy, and thus creates the balance of the immune system and the balance of the conditions of the physical body. And most don’t understand or care how the mental belief systems impact the body (our thoughts and emotions create our reality; that’s how powerful we are). Your thoughts and emotions can actually be stored within your DNA cellular memory. Since they are not curing most diseases, some doctors are opening themselves to the new truth here. Let’s be careful and not kill the messengers of new truths, as in the past. Let’s accept with compassion and forgive what we do not know and where we need to change.
Cancer And HIV
More people die of cancer and HIV than ever before. Cancer has become the leading killer in America, overtaking heart disease. Your cure rate with these diseases is low, since you do not yet fully understand the cause/problem. Any immune deficiency disease is created on a cellular level. It involves the cellular reproduction of the body. Therefore, this disease, at its source, is a problem or a trauma that basically involves shame of self on a very primitive cellular level. This shame is often the result of not accepting who you are through self-identity. It is the lack of a loving relationship with self (the way in which people use the force of creation in their lives to experience and express the power and identity of who they are).
Sexual identity issues are often seen in cancer and HIV. Cancer often strikes women (breast/reproductive organs) and men (prostate) related to their sexual identity. HIV is a sexually transmitted disease related to one’s sexual identity. It is related to energy that is blocked that does not allow the cellular memory of the body to reproduce itself at a healthy rate. It influences production of the T-cells, which reproduce the physical body.
The Cures
To better address the cures for these diseases, which produce deterioration of the physical body largely based upon shame and a lack of self-love, you need to get to the core. You need to get to the issues of shame and a lack of self-love on a cellular level, where the right to be, the right to have life, the right to be you, is concerned. These issues have to be cleared. The traumas locked in certain regions of the body have to be cleared. The energy then has to flow through the body, because the energy flows in the body determine the rate at which the cells can reproduce.
All the emotional memories of shame and a lack of self-love are taught/programmed into the spiritual aspect of the DNA at a very early age. This is encoded in the DNA, which is what makes it a cellular disease and one of immune deficiency, because immune deficiency comes from the inability of the connecting points in the DNA to connect. When this happens, they cannot produce the amino acids to create the chemical interactions needed for the reproduction of cellular memory to restore the physical body. When that process breaks down, when the sense of self is shamed, it affects the immune system.
The Immune System
The immune system is not created to fight anything. Most disease cures are set up on the premise of fighting something. What you resist persists. The immune system is created to assimilate the experiences of life. When it is forced to fight, it breaks down. This affects the production of cells. Therefore, the source of the emotion has to be gotten to. There is a reason cancer and HIV are so rampant in our society. It is based upon shame of self that produces lack of intimacy and connection. This is reflected in our wars, politics, marriage and divorce rates, and our dualistic civilization, where it is often every man for himself.
You are in the process of learning that without equality and unity you cannot advance as a species and survive. There are several new therapeutic processes that allow you to heal needs to be healed.
New Therapies
New therapeutic processes have been created to allow the necessary flow of energy throughout the body by releasing the emotional and mental programming that’s trapped in the muscle tissues and organs. This trapped energy creates the energetic armoring that blocks the energy flow throughout the body.
These processes work like this. Each energetic construction is based upon where and how the energy is armored in the body. As stated earlier, there are seven rings of armoring. Each one of those layers is related to a state of development in childhood. Each of those has consecutive layers of energetic armoring that create tension and stress in a certain area of the body and block the flow of energy there. When the energy is blocked, it cannot flow through the body, so it literally explodes because it is locked in. This predetermines what areas of the body later in life will probably break down and become diseased—heart, digestion, arthritis, cancer, HIV, etc.
What happens depends upon where the predominant layers of armoring are based, the particular defense structure of the person, and which levels of emotional development the child locked into.
How We Often Deal With Disease And No More Need For It
Humans largely deal with disease on a physical level, discounting energy’s role. So you often deal with disease on a level of microbes, viruses, and cellular balance and imbalance. What you do not yet fully understand is that if you got at the source of how disease is created from the perspective of movements of energy, you would no longer be working with physical symptoms. When you work with the flows of energy, you will not have disease anymore. It is your destiny that this takes place in your evolution.
How We Shall Free Ourselves From Disease
As humans begin to fully understand the functioning of DNA and how to manipulate this, you will be able to eliminate disease altogether. Remember that DNA is the cellular structure recording all the information that moves through the body. The DNA holds not just the physical genetic implications but also the emotional, mental, and energetic patterns. Basically, DNA is a blueprint of patterns that the RNA has sent it. The RNA records the information from the body and sends it into the DNA. The DNA unscrambles it and sorts it into blueprints or patterns. In the past, the RNA molecule has been functioning in one way only. It sends information to the DNA from the body system and through the endocrine system (which mirrors the star systems that seeded this planet).
As we begin to open the spiritual (energy) aspect of DNA, it begins to operate as a two-way system. In the future, it will begin to send information it has recorded in the DNA out into the consciousness of the individual. So we will be able to access what is recorded in the DNA on a conscious level and begin to manipulate that. This will be a life-altering game-changer for how we live!
What To Do Until We Know More
Until the above information becomes commonplace, stay connected to like-minded/spirited people, gaining a greater understanding of how your own physical body operates and taking responsibility for balancing its energy flows. You can raise the vibration of your body, overcome disease, and maintain your body in balance and health. You can also begin to share with others what you know. Studying Reiki energetic healing is one method whereby you begin to understand energy: how to access it, how to make it flow, and how to balance it.
The more we investigate the origins of life from the energetic standpoint, the more it becomes something that people embrace, the more it becomes common knowledge and less mysterious and threatening to established medicine. Then we can develop comprehensive/integrated medicine.
Reiki (energetic) healing is a method of learning to use the universal life force of energy. But that is not enough. You also have to have an understanding of your own personal process (which requires a deep examination of your relationship with self). When the author took his training as a healing arts therapist, he had to be in a personal process so he could better receive his healing in order to assist others in theirs. Participating in a therapeutic process is necessary because the vehicle must be clear in order to sustain the movement of energy. One of the reasons there is so much disease on our planet, so many immune-deficiency diseases, is because there are great imbalances in our physical systems.
The Truth About Germs
Many of you were taught that germs create disease. Since then, science has reversed that, saying germs do not create disease. Germs can contribute to creating imbalance, but they do not create disease. You are exposed to germs all the time. You have germs in your body constantly. Why do some people take those germs and create disease and others do not? It has nothing to do with the germs; it has to do with how the body is responding to what is taking place, how it is using it.
Take the immune system, for instance; people have thought the immune system is used to fight disease. It does not fight disease. When the immune system has to fight, it breaks down. It is used for bringing balance to the body. When the immune system is balanced, there is health and well-being. When it is out of balance because it has to fight, it breaks down, and disease occurs because it becomes weakened.
Energies Of The Planet And Our Body
The energies of the planet have been raising their vibration over the past seventy-five years, particularly since 1987 (on the author’s birthday), when the Harmonic Convergence occurred. This created a massive step-up of that vibration. Since then, the Jupiter comet occurrence in 1994 and other cosmic events have taken place. Each has created an infusion of higher vibration of consciousness and energy into the Earth plane and the bank of DNA around the Earth. This is creating a mutation of the planetary DNA and also creating a mutation of the human DNA.
Because of these events, and because your bodies are so polluted or blocked, when the vibration is raised it starts an entrainment process that brings up everything that is diseased in the body, everything that is out of balance, everything that is in resistance, everything that is in conflict. Does this sound like our world today? And the body simply becomes a mirror of the conflict!
When you start this entrainment process, all your “stuff” comes to the surface and all the toxins start to surface. So you go through a kind of healing crisis because you are disturbing energetic blocks within your body that have been there for years. Most of you have learned to live with this with a certain degree of stress and shutdown, and you have accepted it as normal or part of growing old.
The experience of humanity is not one of becoming more open and available to life. The process of living, aging, and getting older has become a process of gradually shutting down to life. This has become the normal process, quite the reverse of what it should or is intended to be.
There is no reason why the body has to age and fall apart. The only reason it does is because as you grow older (because of your wounds and defenses), you shut off to more and more life. And you often create a smaller and smaller frame of reference for living. You often fight change, fight development, and fight growth.
You humans often seem to accept limitation and lack rather than growth, expansion, and development because change appears threatening. But the process of living is the process of changing. The process of living from a soul/energy perspective is the process of growth and expansion. That’s all your soul is interested in! Your wounded ego is interested in confining, limiting, and keeping things in a comfort zone that it can understand and attempt to control.
By allowing the ego, housed within your belief system’s mental bodies, to surrender to your knowing hearts, you can allow yourselves to surrender to not knowing and allow the void to reveal all possibilities and probabilities of life—a new way of being and healing.
Breath Sound And Motion
How much you are able to breathe in determines how much life you feel you deserve, how much of life you are able to receive. This is a direct indication of your receiving pattern. How much you breathe out is going to be determined by how much you breathe in. So it is an exact indication of your ability to give of yourself, to share yourself, and to expose yourself to life.
How you breathe is the key to how you live. This is the fundamental key to the universe; it is the key to life.
As much as you are able to breathe in is as much of life as you are able to receive—that you feel you have a right to receive. Therefore, you will limit yourself to receiving life according to how much you limit your breath. If you limit your taking in of life, you will also be limiting what you feel you have to give to life, what you feel you can be exposed to life, what you feel you can give to life without feeling you are giving up something or giving yourself.
Giving and receiving are the exact mirror of each other. In effect, they are the same thing. As you give, you receive. As you receive, you give. If you are only breathing out, only giving, you will die. If you are only breathing in, only taking, you will die. You must be able to breathe in and out. Most people use only 15–20 percent of their lung capacity. This is an indication of how much you feel you deserve where life is concerned and how healthy you are.
You are literally living a life of starvation. You are starving the brain of oxygen and its capacity to function as a physical unit to be able to interpret and take in consciousness. This is why most people are not very astute where conscious awareness is concerned. They are asleep because the brain itself is not oxygenated, so it cannot fire neutrons.
Being able to breathe in, or not, also interferes with the functioning of the endocrine system. The endocrine system is the distributor of energy to the various chemical processes that nourish and nurture the organs and systems of the body. It is the doorway between the conscious mind, the subconscious, and the superconscious.
Breathing controls the functioning of the nervous system through how it balances or distorts the serotonins and various chemical processes that are produced in the brain. The breath is also the source of the reproduction of life on a cellular level. The breath is the source of all this!
You have been given the gift of life in the breath, the secret of life in the breath. If you use that secret of life, you have the ability to regenerate life endlessly. The one thing that keeps you from regenerating life and reproducing it, which results in aging, disease, and death, is in fact that less than one percent of the body can reproduce itself. The cells of the body are programmed with messages of trauma and therefore stimulate the release of the emotional charges held in the body that keep the damaged areas in place.
If, on the other hand, you are able to free yourselves from your personal history in the body, you have the potential of immortality in the physical body.
Back To DNA And Immortality
Scientists have called the forty-four on-sites that have never been stimulated the junk DNA, but they’re beginning to understand that it is not junk DNA. It is spiritual DNA. It is the potential for immortality in the physical. As they further uncover the secret to the DNA molecule, they are now predicting the possibility of the average life span increasing to two hundred years over the next fifty to one hundred years. And within the next two hundred to five hundred years, they are predicting the average life span increasing up to five hundred or more years.
These are speculations based upon what scientists have discovered thus far. However, those speculations fall far short of what is possible. Look at the cases where a life-threatening disease has had an instantaneous healing. That healing happened because more than twenty on-sites in the DNA were activated. By activating a few more on-sites, the disease was eradicated from the body instantaneously. If you were using ten more of those on-sites on a regular basis, think what could be possible.
As discussed earlier, incorporating personal processing and breathing, you further access the sensation of being. Remember, you stop breathing because breathing produces feeling. And feeling is the sensation of the movement of the life energy through the body.
When the movement of that life energy through feeling is associated with pain, you begin to stop the breath process to stop pain. This begins early in childhood and gradually increases into adolescence. By the time you are an adult, you have pretty much begun a slow movement toward annihilation simply through the process of shutting off feeling.
The DNA molecule is influenced by feeling. It holds all your emotional patterns of resistance and acceptance in place. When you are holding feelings in the body, you are holding the life force and preventing it from movement, preventing it from having expression. When this happens, it creates a length of waveform in the DNA that misses connecting the on-sites.
Therefore, it does not produce the necessary amino acids and chemical production in the endocrine system that brings about the balance in the immune system. So when you are holding emotions, you are having a negative experience of emotion because holding or suppressing creates resistance, which creates pain. Pain creates fight, and any form of fighting or resistance stimulates a closed system that is feeding upon itself and the system breaks down.
When, however, the DNA is affected by a wave of movement of feeling, which means you are accepting and experiencing your feeling moment to moment, it produces a different length of waveform. It is a matter of allowing all feelings, negative or positive. The DNA is stimulated by the allowance of all feelings. When there is a flow of feelings, it produces a length of waveform that connects the on-sites in the DNA molecule. Connecting those on-sites produces and stimulates the production of those chemicals needed to bring about the balance of the immune system, and thus, the physical body.
Remember, the entire process starts with your breathing; breathing is the source. Without breathing you cannot think or feel, because breathing awakens the consciousness in the physic body. When you breathe into the body, you stimulate awareness. You stimulate life. You stimulate consciousness. So the physical body, the emotional body, and the mental body are dependent upon the breath. Everything in life is dependent on three things: the breath, movement, and sound. Life is movement. Resistance is not moving, which is death.
All healing is a manifestation of knowing on some level—the ability to know the perfect state of being and to hold that perfect state unflinchingly, without doubt. To hold it with the wholeness of your being, with absolute knowing of the perfection of that state of well-being and health. To focus not on the disease, but on the healing. Not even on the healing so much, because when you focus on the healing, you are focusing on the expectation of process rather than the knowing of the state of being.
When you encounter a disease such as cancer, allow yourself to embody the truth of that life force; to embody it by becoming neutral, taking it within, allowing it to pass through you, and allowing it to radiate forth to those who will receive it.
Worry simply adds to the problem. It sustains the cancer. Worry is not love. It is fear. See yourself or another in a perfect state of being, without doubt. Move into the quantum field of possibility and probability, which is the pregnant void of creation. It is the place of all probability and possibility that exists simultaneously at all times. (Doubt, fear, and ignorance are the monsters of mankind.)
When you dip into the seas of possibility and probability where reality is concerned, let yourself be sure to dip into it with a very clear focus of that intention, so that you pull from it the probability that you want to create most specifically.
Focus your consciousness, your feelings, and your intentions. You can surround the cancer cells with absolute love. Embrace them with absolute acceptance, nurturing, and love so that you are not fighting them. Because the minute you have to fight anything, you are aiding and abetting the very thing you want to destroy.
Affirm that you are in a perfect state of health and well-being. That it is your divine right; demand and declare that it is as it is. You are perfect here and now. Divine love always has met and always will meet every human need.
Begin to approach life and disease in a different way. In doing so, you will approach life and disease in a way that has faith in life, trust in life, and that honors life through the choices you make in life that are different from the ones you are making now.
All our current events, human separation and suffering is due to not remembering from whence we came, who we are and why we are here, and that we can chose to ascend to a higher state of reality as a result of what we are presently experiencing. The purpose of this writing (with the vast assistance of all of the wisdoms within The Angel News Network library of books and teachings) is to assist in restoring our lost memory. By truly understanding what God is (free of any past teachings) and the reality that God is creating, we can better understand ourselves, knowing we are a reflection of God experiencing itself. This is especially essential within our growth and expansion in being human, realizing we are existing within the densest frequency within this universe. Understanding what God is and who we are is our ticket out of the density!
We have heard through many past teachings that God is omnipresent and infinite. Such teachings are true but they do not go far enough for our current awareness/consciousness. It is time to experience and understand God where it resides beyond the time, space, thoughts and emotions we live in as humans. We cannot directly connect with God nor fully understand it until we can begin to know how it’s BEingness becomes all living multi-verses and all living creatures, including us. When we better understand this, we can begin to see how God can manifest in unlimited forms and yet remain its infinite transcendent self. God is not only in our universe but also metaphysically beyond it (the finite of God’s creation travels to the infinite, which transcends this world).
It is the living God itself and the one that lives within us that constantly bids us to know that it does exist. Those of us who come to know and understand this cosmic force to be the ultimate foundation of all life and being will unlock the mystery of what God is (the ultimate source of everything being the ultimate key to everything). It is time to expand beyond our human minds and all material things to understand both. Then we can better accept that God is unique and like nothing else in existence. It is the ultimate. It is the foundation to anything simpler than itself. Humanity has been pondering the nature and meaning of God forever. It is time, if we so choose, to connect with the reality of a living God within us that does not need a church or anyone to connect us with it. It is our divine right.
It is essential to point out at this juncture in this writing that no amount of words will ever make the meaning of “God” clear to anyone who lacks the resonance and discernment to investigate the topic or has their own belief systems that they refuse to change. This discussion has no intention to attempt to convince or control anyone’s thinking. So as in all (spiritual) matters continue to use your resonance and discernment in what becomes true for you.
Our human emotions and thoughts creating our actions and reality are based upon our five physical senses, which have an extremely limited range of experience. This discussion is all about extending our range…God’s range goes far beyond our range; abilities of an infinite wisdom within an unlimited range. We cannot arrive at a true notion of God only by thinking of it in human ways. If we regard it only as an infinite and transcendent being remote from our finite world, we see only half of the truth. If we see it as the universal energy manifesting every cell in our body, every creature in existence, all planets in our solar system, and stars in our galaxy we see the other half. God possesses both characteristics and accepting them requires a consciousness that allows a comprehension.
God is the one thing that can produce a multitude of things all different from each other and yet remain true to itself. It is the formless, reflecting and manifesting the form. God is both the One and the many, however we intend to envision this. The God-force is a unity in diversity and a diversity in unity, a stillness creating movement. When God is manifesting one thing from another, it is finite consciousness in action. God has set everything up so that creation is constantly evolving from the many back to the one. This is the ascension of the planet and humanity that is taking place now.
Creation is nothing but the by-product of God’s divine idea. Our entire world is but an intention expressed by God. The evolution of the universe is really a gradual manifestation/reflection of God itself, an interplay of its own projections. What is challenging for the human mind is to realize that God is self-born; it arose of its own accord. And our human personification of God does not change this truth.
When cosmic cycles of creation begin, there is literally nothing in existence, no forms of any kind, no conscious beings. Creation is an ever-expanding circle (spiral), a process of ever becoming. For instance, the universe is continuously expanding and amplifying itself until the reverse process sets in and the cosmic cycle exhausts itself and finally ends. This process is taking place with our planet at this time. It is returning to the light from whence it came, becoming a star, (primal light) that will eventually explode and begin again.
God is a cosmic force whose multitude of energies we know as the physical world. God has created the world out of its own substance, its own intention and that intention becomes light, the building block of all. Everything in creation, with no exception, has been born from light. Sadly, many of us cannot comprehend this infinite principle of life (all-knowing and all-present being) and remain in darkness. Most often, we see nothing as it really is. The purpose of this writing is to bring us further into the light.
One of the most challenging things for the human mind to comprehend is that everything seemingly came from no-thing. And from the previous writing, it has become clear that God is nothing that can be seen through our physical senses within the time-space dimension we reside in as humans. It is essential that we not attempt to continue to put God within any human shape or reference but know this force lives within us and is from whence we came. God is an absolute, thingless, timeless, spaceless and beautiful boundless being, paradoxically the only existence, beyond the comprehension of most of us! God is the ultimate state of being where creation manifests itself and rests during dormant cycles. In God’s sphere there is no distinction between one thing and another, one being and another, one creature and another since they all come from a oneness frequency.
The human mind may ask, “What was there before God?” And the answer is no-thing (the Void). Because this conception of the ultimate being deprives it of any kind of form in space and any kind of existence in time. But what is indistinguishable from complete non-existence is something called consciousness, the toolbox of God. When cosmic energy and light combine through God’s intention, its consciousness is created and becomes the manifestor of all.
As stated earlier, it is not easy for our form-ridden human consciousness to accept this notion that No-thing is the equivalent of reality, that emptiness is the basis upon which all our emotions, thoughts and actions are built and not through some solid material. But once we thoroughly comprehend this truth, the mystery of existence is solved once and for all! We need first find and affirm the Ultimate to be not this or that before we can discover what this and that is. Nothing that is measurable, nothing that is finite, nothing that is formed can possibly be the true foundation of existence. It is by leaving out all that is transient (us), by negating all that is familiar we comprehend the true concept of existence.
Again, it is difficult for the human to successfully accept an absolute void, no-thing. The instant we think of the Void our mind is actually itself inhabiting the Void. Most of us are not able to think of identifying with no-thing, for the moment we do we declare its own presence. Thus, we see that this unlimited and infinite God must be unconsciously presupposed before we can know its limited and finite manifestations within and around us.
Everything we see around us has come forth out of the invisible, which cannot be a mere no-thing. The no-thing is empty only of individual and separate appearances but not of the universal reality which is its origin. Thus, no-thing is both potential material and potential space. If we were to remove every vestige of the universe with all its creations, the mysterious emptiness that remains would be God transcending all reality. Let us not call it nonexistence since it is the permanent matter in which all things are created. Beyond the senses of all of us, this alone is eternal. GOD IS THE CAUSE OF ALL AND CREATION IS THE EFFECT!
No-thing is not to be denied but understood. Matter is the form that everlasting God-essence takes. Our reality is actual because we sense it through our five senses, yet it is nothing less than an appearance. We further begin to understand reality when we accept this paradox. No-thing is not mere emptiness but the reality itself behind all our worldly experiences and perceptions. The no-thing is a blank void, the basis of all manifested existence itself arising (everything we daily experience). We all see the world around us but few realize the truth of it. Our reality is not a self-existent or self-supporting one for it depends on the original no-thing and indeed arises from it and eventually is merged back into it.
The most challenging aspect for most of us is the reality of the no-thing (the unmanifested) as ultimate reality. We think in terms of measurable forms and solids so often that we have lost the ancient wisdom to think in terms of unidimensional formlessness. It is our destiny to return to this wisdom. The foundation of all of our present reality is to understand the unseen reality it is based upon.
To reiterate, from no-thing comes everything, from silence all sounds, from darkness comes light, from unconsciousness comes consciousness, from problem comes solution and from intangibility comes all tangible things. No-thing is something not born, nor created. If it were not for no-thing there would be no possibility for what is born.
In order to evolve and ascend to a higher frequency of existence humanity needs to expand beyond our ignorance and integrate the universal reality being shared here. This seeming no-thing is the secret of the whole universe’s existence, the original source where it emerges, the last place it recreates itself. The first and last of all things is the no-thing and All There Is. Then reality becomes God’s thought within our thought. Here the divine reveals its own unseen nature; the ever becoming behind and beyond all.
So, let’s see if we can further answer the question “What is God?” by better understanding “What is reality?”
From the previous words shared we can see that God and reality are not here today and gone tomorrow. They both bypass time and have always been in existence. All things of this universe whether seen or unseen, whether matter or spirit must have an everlasting existence (even though they may change form). If this were not true the universe could never have arisen for out of no-thing only nothing can emerge. The original ‘something’ of all things must have always existed and must still exist. This explains the eternal nature of the human spirit that can never die. This we may call the ultimate God and reality as one. It is the never-ending origin of All There Is. It is God-power consciousness, a force that can exist by and in itself, a totality of all experience, the starting point and terminus of all existence, that which knows and that which is known.
This is what God is. It is what we have unconsciously or consciously called soul, spirit or divinity, the eternal essence of all of us. While other things exist relatively, these three alone exist absolutely for themselves, independent of other things. This ‘matterless principle’, the Godhead, has been called many names through the ages. No matter what it is called, ultimately, we cannot separate God from anything else we know or can think, including ourselves. (Our attempt to separate from God is the cause of the ills of this world knowing the effect.) Let us feel and directly connect with the sacredness of God without attempting to separate it from anything or anybody because God is ultimately everything and everywhere, and the most blessed aspect of ourselves.
It is time, if we so choose, to remember what we have forgotten and lost in our lives. For that which now becomes a memory will allow us to manifest the lives and world we say we want: a world based upon love, equality, harmony and balance. It is time to transcend this dense frequency of existence and transition back into the Light from whence we came by way of our God connection and expression…
For you Teacher Souls who intend to facilitate this grandest gift to humanity here are the instructions to do so:
The Ascension chair is a gift to the Earth & humanity from the heart of beloved Master St. Germain. St. Germain is the ascended master of the 7th Sacred Flame: The Violet Flame of Transmutation. The main qualities & actions of the Violet Flame are Freedom, transmutation, transformation, diplomacy, CEREMONY & application of the science of true alchemy.
The ascension chair is a tool to assist the raising of vibration of a candidate for Ascension. It contains the frequencies of the pure white Light of the Ascension Flame. It raises one’s vibration gradually and gently.
The regular practice of this ritual with each ceremony is building a huge momentum. The energies almost double in intensity and beauty each time this sacred ceremony is performed. It affects and helps not only the people participating in the group, but creates a web of Light touching almost the entire planet.
As you evolve your consciousness, The Ascension Flame helps your purification process in greater measure each time and assists in the raising of your vibration every time you set up your intention through this sacred ritual.
The room will be cleared and cleansed, lit with candles, low music, beset with fresh flowers, and the chair prepared.
Each person comes forth to sit on the chair to declare their intention vocally before their friends and before their God to express their desire and intention for Ascension. The candidate also declares the willingness to do whatever it takes to make this happen. Ascension has been defined by the Sacred Flame Masters as the “union of your human self with your eternal spiritual being.”
As the candidate formulates an intention, a prayer, Master Germain floods the individual’s force field with the level of Ascension frequency appropriate for that person in the now moment.
We gather chairs in a circle around a designated Ascension Chair and each person comes forth to sit on the chair and states their intention, preferably aloud with a fully open heart , their goals for this life and their ascension. Make the most honorable prayer your heart dictates or inspires you to do at this moment. (Those who cannot ‘think’ of anything in the moment will select a card from the Lemurian messages and read it).
Each person holds a special crystal in their hand provided by the facilitator and sits on the chair for about three to five minutes.
When finished the candidate gives a sign of completion with the eyes (to the facilitator), the facilitator or designated person rings the Tibetan bells once, and the group sings three “AUMs” to assist anchoring this energy in the physical while the person remains seated. Then the person returns to their seat and the next person comes forth.
There is always a natural flow created and each one takes their turn in no specific order. The facilitator can go last.
When everyone is finished several Lemurian masters invite you to drink an elixir which they charge with the frequency of the “Golden Liquid Light.” Sparkling apple juice is poured into small cups and passed to the group.
A short invocation is made to ask that the liquid each person holds in their right hand be infused with the frequency of the “Golden Liquid Light.” There is a pause to allow the masters to transform the liquid at the frequency that is most appropriate for each person. When given the signal, each person slowly drinks the liquid that has now become a sacred alchemical elixir, expressing their deep gratitude for the gift and rich blessings that are bestowed upon them.
When we come together in group, in community and reinforce our intentions, it becomes more powerful in all our lives. This sacred ritual is a blessed way for like-spirited people to spend time together. This is a simple and pleasant tool to raise your consciousness. And so be it, beloved children of the heart. Be in peace and in love with yourself.
End of Ceremony.
All of your lifetimes lead to the same destination (how and when you get there are your choices): the eternal connection to your divinity. You need not believe this; it does not matter. For you will come to this truth on your own when you are ready, through your freedom of will and choice.
You will reach your divine destination when you have learned all you need to learn by not knowing it. One of your favorite learning tools is learning “what is” through “what is not.” You have eons of examples of this. There are easier ways to learn, but this seems to be the one most of you prefer and need.
Your judgment, shaming, blaming, duality, separation, and confrontation are some of your favorite dense-frequency tools to the divine destination of which we speak. Dear ones, there is no right or wrong, or good or bad, to the process: it simply “is.” These are all aspects of the same thing. Darkness allows you to know there is light.
When you reach your divine destination (your direct connection to ALL THERE IS) only you need to know and accept and welcome your arrival.
Dear ones, all your lives on this planet have been a constant beginning, not an end. Your extended purpose in being will grow and expand when you set yourself free from the dense frequency where you currently reside to become the master teachers of the universe. (The reason you signed on to all this!) The most essential tools in gaining your freedom are your resonance and discernment. These will show you your UNIQUE PATH to your destination of divinity.
As you have heard many times before, the universe would be incomplete without each and every one of you (this includes the minerals, plants, and animals, as well). Can you receive this truth now? Take a deep breath and receive some more of this truth now.
None of your journey is about real or unreal, seen or unseen, or knowledge; it is about truth and wisdom (collected over many lifetimes). Wisdom is truth reflecting the Cosmic Law of Love—that being you and God Power.
Love and truth are inseparable, eternal, and unchanging. These can be known but not changed. Love and truth are the essential aspects of ALL THERE IS; they are beyond teaching and time. They can be best found within and through a personal process examination of yourself. (See Life Mastery,
Dear ones, your journey has no beginning, it has no end. IT SIMPLY IS a choice you made in agreeing to be human, experiencing all aspects of humanity being God. In reality, none of your 3-D life path can exist apart from the higher realms from whence it originated.
Your 3-D world is composed of beliefs in opposites and separate wills, often leading to confrontation. Look at your world right now. This world leads to constant resistance since it is not really who you are.
The good news is that you are in the process of waking up and knowing your life and world have been illusions you created in order to learn from it and to leave it. It’s all been a “Lover-versity.” The world you have created is merely a reflection of your internal relationship with yourself based upon a lack of love. Since love is the building block of ALL THERE IS, and ALL THERE IS is all there is, it can ask for nothing else.
As you continue to wake up from your 3-D illusion by accepting with compassion and forgiving why you created it all, you can choose forgiveness. Through forgiveness you can remember who you are and why you are here by releasing/graduating yourself from the cosmic classroom you created to now know the truth.
You are God experiencing itself in all ways in order to master density and to release yourself from it, in order to enter and be in service to ALL THERE IS. Remember always, this will allow you to become the master teachers of the universe, your purpose in being here.
Now you are remembering, for what we have just said is all stored in your heart. Access your heart, dear ones, when you forget again. It is all eternally stored there.