Happiness Handbook: Being Present Is The Present

Phrases Of Presence Video Series-4


Please enjoy this Phrases Of Presence Video Series to set us free in order to be happy or happier from the Happiness Handbook. Each phrase is a separate teaching that joins in community with all the others. Together all the phrases complete a comprehensive blueprint/template for happiness in the present.

Visit The Angel News Network under Books to enjoy discounts on all publications. Find Happiness Handbook: Being Present Is The Present at booksellers and New Leaf Distributing.

The Light of Source never fails,
Phillip Elton Collins


Enjoy Phrases Of Presence ~ 41 from the HAPPINESS HANDBOOK: Being Present Is The Present

Enjoy Phrases Of Presence ~ 42 from the HAPPINESS HANDBOOK: Being Present Is The Present

Enjoy Phrases Of Presence ~ 43 from the HAPPINESS HANDBOOK: Being Present Is The Present

The Phrases Of Presence series, to set us free in order to be happy, is from the HAPPINESS HANDBOOK: Being Present Is The Present by Phillip Elton Collins. Find the book through New Leaf Distributing at http://go.newleaf-dist.com/scripts/ps?TEMPLATE_SELLSHEET.PUBLIC%7Eiact%7Ehandle=119884 or the Angel News Network at discount rates at http://www.TheAngelNewsNetwork.com/book-happiness-handbook.