A BIRTHDAY GIFT: THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network PhillipEltonCollins.com AngelNewsNetwork.com August, 2016 Beginning on August 13th through the 19th, 2016, the planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter comes into our cosmic night sky for another special alignment which represents a recurrence of energies of the Harmonic Convergence[…]
SEPARATING FROM SEPARATION INTO ONENESS Given by The Council of Archangelic Realms (CAR) Received by Phillip Elton Collins, co-founder of the Angel News Network Dear Beloved Human Beings, Being So Human, Many of you know we of the angelic realms, throughout your chaotic history, have loved and supported humanity through the many[…]
Your Star, Your Sun, Your Destiny Given by The Keepers of Creation Received by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Human Star Seeds, Many Creator Consultants such as We The Keepers of Creation came together to create your planet Earth. In the past we gifted you with a teaching on HOW THE[…]
June 25, 2015 Divine Discussions What Is Life And The True Cure For Disease-3 Dear Beloved Angel News Network Soul Family, Our three part DIVINE DISCUSSIONS teaching on WHAT IS LIFE AND THE TRUE CURE OF DISEASE is a resounding success. Archangels Gabriel and Raphael through channel Phillip Elton Collins, join us during these[…]