Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Freedom When we get sick and tired of being sick and tired we shall break the endless cycle of pain moving into suffering, and finally wake up! We humans are destined to[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) How Our Physical Body Feeds On Emotions And Thoughts All emotions and thoughts are energy and our physical bodies’ feeds on this energy. Positive emotions and thoughts keep the energy moving in[…]
June 25, 2015 Divine Discussions What Is Life And The True Cure For Disease-3 Dear Beloved Angel News Network Soul Family, Our three part DIVINE DISCUSSIONS teaching on WHAT IS LIFE AND THE TRUE CURE OF DISEASE is a resounding success. Archangels Gabriel and Raphael through channel Phillip Elton Collins, join us during these[…]