Uriel Message #8: Children of the Awakened Heart Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings Beloved Earth-Beings once again we come to you from the Light-being-ness, you know as Uriel. A realm of consciousness and awakening to the truth of who you are and why you are here. You are indeed Children of Our Light, your[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Why Things Are The Way They Are No matter what you may have been taught, we are not here to be punished in any way at any time during or after physical[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) What Is Life? Each and every one of our lives (in all life forms) represents a world unto itself, an individuated, unique way in which creation experiences and expresses itself. Creation is[…]
MOTHER TAKES A BATH By Phillip Elton Collins From SACRED POETRY & MYSTICAL MESSAGES It’s no secret how much Mankind has abused and Misused Mother Earth. We rape her body, so oddly, By taking her vital organs, Air, water, oil and minerals, Like there is an endless supply, Not thinking or caring we are killing[…]
Pandemics Can Be Pesky By Phillip Elton Collins, A fellow pandemic patriot *Pandemics can be pesky, they can even make us testy, They can create pestilence, thus cause eternal ‘restulence’. *Being in quarantine can make us quirky, From being quiet, we can manifest murky, a lot. *Learning to be with self, Is the challenge upon[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) This Thing Called Consciousness Higher realms teach us that consciousness is already conscious; it is the eternal unmanifested, and always existed. Consciousness does not exist in time nor space and has no[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Spirituality, The New Religion Most are aware of the controlling structure of most religions; my way or no way. This does not mean that religions are not doing some good work but[…]
THE ANGEL NEWS NETWORK © Current Events Broadcasting’s 12/23/2019 Podcasts St Germain’s Christmas Message For 2019 St Germain invites us to receive the seasonal energy of the Christ (Soul) Consciousness to awaken to our divinity and to recognize that we are all diversified versions of one another. He tells us that in the decade[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) The Now Moment, Presence The primary reason for our existence in being human is to bring the dimension of consciousness into our personal lives, thus the world. This is achieved by being[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Inner And Outer Lives Our inner/etheric lives (bodies) are not solid but limitless. These are not our physical bodies but the divine life force that maintains and sustains our physical lives (bodies).[…]
Change Is All There Is With St. Germain Written By Phillip Elton Collins Humanity no less than the world and universe around itself is subject to constant change. When all human bodily changes culminate in a final event it is called death. In actuality all changes from young to old, health to sickness are an[…]
WHY IS THERE SO MUCH EVIL IN THE WORLD WITH A GOOD GOD? By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Every since humanity could think and communicate we have been asking why is there so much evil (bad) being permitted in the world when the lofty purpose of life seems to be that[…]
What Is The Cause (SEEING The Effect) Of The Separation And Confrontation In Our World Today? By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Higher realms beyond the human mind (a tough reality and ability for most of our human minds to accept and apply) are teaching us it is our relationship with our self[…]
AN OPEN LETTER TO HUMANITY From Archangel Uriel, Guardian of Humanity and Earth Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network “WHAT’S GOING ON AND WHY?” Early Summer, 2017 Dear Beloved Humans being human, We come to you once again during this crucial time of the ascension of your planet and humanity. This message[…]
How The Earth Was Created Given by The Keepers of Creation Received by Phillip Elton Collins, Co-founder of the Angel News Network Dear Beloved Earthlings, Within your ascension process of moving into a higher frequency of existence it is time to better understand creation and your relationship within it. Understanding the creation of your[…]
June 25, 2015 Divine Discussions What Is Life And The True Cure For Disease-3 Dear Beloved Angel News Network Soul Family, Our three part DIVINE DISCUSSIONS teaching on WHAT IS LIFE AND THE TRUE CURE OF DISEASE is a resounding success. Archangels Gabriel and Raphael through channel Phillip Elton Collins, join us during these[…]