LEMURIAN SCROLL #2 FOR TEACHER SOULS By Phillip Elton Collins This Scroll contains the wisdom of SELF that we are learning to master, creating freedom. Self is how we have chosen to experience 3D reality in being human. This Scroll is for those who intend to apply these wisdoms to themselves and share these teachings[…]
Uriel Message #7: Higher Realm’s Messages and Support Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings Beloved Channel of the realm of Uriel. Today we would like to speak about commitment to the task-at-hand of being a conscious channel for we of Uriel. It is our plan for our messages and teachers to be revealed into your[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Words, Words, Words All the spoken and unspoken words that express our perception, experience and feelings about reality are small seeds on a large tree. Beyond the words everything is interconnected with[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Why Things Are The Way They Are No matter what you may have been taught, we are not here to be punished in any way at any time during or after physical[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Silence In The Stillness In this noisy world where many have become addicted for the need of audio stimulation on a constant basis, there is not much room for silence and stillness.[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) The Self Powerment Of Breath Breath, sound and motions are the ‘search-engines’ of creation. Each breath employs all three. Ponder the thought that breathing is something that is happening to us (that[…]
Moving Me To We, Creating A New World Of Wonder By Phillip Elton Collins (with a lot of help from higher realms) Inner And Outer Lives Our inner/etheric lives (bodies) are not solid but limitless. These are not our physical bodies but the divine life force that maintains and sustains our physical lives (bodies).[…]
WHAT IS GOD? (A Daring Discussion For Our Dense Times) By Phillip Elton Collins Co-founder The Angel News Network All our current events, human separation and suffering is due to not remembering from whence we came, who we are and why we are here, and that we can chose to ascend to a higher state[…]
Change Is All There Is With St. Germain Written By Phillip Elton Collins Humanity no less than the world and universe around itself is subject to constant change. When all human bodily changes culminate in a final event it is called death. In actuality all changes from young to old, health to sickness are an[…]
WHY IS THERE SO MUCH EVIL IN THE WORLD WITH A GOOD GOD? By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Every since humanity could think and communicate we have been asking why is there so much evil (bad) being permitted in the world when the lofty purpose of life seems to be that[…]
EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT DEPENDENT UPON THE STATE OF HUMANITY Dear Beloved Students, Please know in your reality that the evolution of consciousness is in direct correlation to the ascension process of creation and this planet, independent of the choices that humanity chooses through free will and choice. Your planet, a conscious[…]
A BIRTHDAY GIFT: THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network PhillipEltonCollins.com AngelNewsNetwork.com August, 2016 Beginning on August 13th through the 19th, 2016, the planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter comes into our cosmic night sky for another special alignment which represents a recurrence of energies of the Harmonic Convergence[…]
AMERICA, LAND OF LIGHT A Chapter from MAN POWER GOD POWER By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network A Dialogue with the Combined Saint Germain and Lord Sananda Christ Consciousness Energies After the 2012 (a year of increased vibratory frequencies) American presidential elections, there was a quantum shift in human consciousness, which allowed[…]
World Happenings Exactly What, Why And What Can You Be And Do About It From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher and Guardian Received By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Humans Beings Being Human, Your world and many of your personal lives appears in upheaval and chaos at this time. Please allow[…]
SEPARATING FROM SEPARATION INTO ONENESS Given by The Council of Archangelic Realms (CAR) Received by Phillip Elton Collins, co-founder of the Angel News Network Dear Beloved Human Beings, Being So Human, Many of you know we of the angelic realms, throughout your chaotic history, have loved and supported humanity through the many[…]
Cry From The Earth Elementals, “Your Emotions, Thoughts & Actions Are Abusing Your Planet.” Received By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Human Beings, We are the Earth Elementals; we are the forces of air (sylphs), water (undines), fire (salamanders), fairies, gnomes and other nature spirits. We are in service to[…]
Enjoy these Bountiful Blogs from MAN POWER GOD POWER by Phillip Elton Collins! Bountiful Blogs #2: One with All There Is When humanity becomes one with all there is / source / God, we shall realize that we are truly all there is / source / God. This is not blasphemy but the fruit[…]