Saint Germain Discourse 7 Podcast  Wonders To Come As You Ascend Listen to Saint Germain’s Discourse 7 from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses.”   Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!  

  OBSERVING THE HAND OF HIGHER REALMS (In The Creation Of The United States Of America…) By Phillip Elton Collins in concert with St. Germain Many of the creators of The Constitution of the United States were profoundly aware that the document was divinely inspired and that its principles and reality often moved beyond the[…]

Coming Home To Your Beingness Given By The Beings of Cosmic Consciousness Received By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network   Dear Beloved Human Beings, being human and beyond, We are the Beings of Cosmic Consciousness and our eternal home is the Askashic Records, The Halls of Wisdom containing all knowledge. Our Earthly home[…]