CREATING A WORLD OF LOVE, PEACE, EQUALITY, HARMONY & BALANCE Transcending Self: The Human Soul & Eternal Spirit We have entered the “Epoch of Soul & Spirit,” allowing us to transcend “Me Consciousness” into “We Consciousness.” This is happening as a result of the ascension process of the planet, ascending from a carbon based reality[…]
What Is The Cause (SEEING The Effect) Of The Separation And Confrontation In Our World Today? By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Higher realms beyond the human mind (a tough reality and ability for most of our human minds to accept and apply) are teaching us it is our relationship with our self[…]
WHAT DOES THE SOLAR ECLIPSE MEAN? By Philip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network As many of us who resonate with the identity of lightworker/wayshower know, multi-dimensional higher realm energies are coming into our Earth plane like never before during 2017 affecting our human emotional, mental and physical bodies. We who call ourselves channels[…]
Lightworkers are showing the way (WAYSHOWERS) for our world, we carry the cosmic flame, holding the light of this planet and humanity in love, peace, equality, harmony and balance. We have come here to help the planet and humanity shift/ascend into a higher consciousness of existence. To Ascend… We are gifted beings and we have[…]
Saint Germain’s Glossary: 4 Click here to hear Saint Germain’s Glossary-4 Podcast Listen to inspiring and informative word definitions from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” and receive energetic downloads. Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!
Ascending Or Desending? Archangelic Help Available Like never before the higher realms are assisting humanity at a fast, furious and fabulous pace during the present ascension of our planet and we humans being human. Click here to hear ascension guidelines given to us by Archangel Uriel, through Phillip Elton Collins.
AN OPEN LETTER TO HUMANITY From Archangel Uriel, Guardian of Humanity and Earth Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network “WHAT’S GOING ON AND WHY?” Early Summer, 2017 Dear Beloved Humans being human, We come to you once again during this crucial time of the ascension of your planet and humanity. This message[…]
Ascension Podcast Click here to hear Saint Germain’s definitions related to ascension. Receive energetic downloads as you listen to inspiring and informative word definitions related to ascension from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses.” State your ascension intention and feel the difference! Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents![…]
Five Fundamental Shifts Needed To Advance As A Species Click here to hear Five Fundamental Shifts. Through the continued chaos and change taking place within our world and lives, let us remember/know we are experiencing a “resetting” of the divine soul plan compass of the planet and humanity; the compass being our evolution into[…]
Saint Germain Discourse 4: Codes Of Creation To Ascend Click here to hear Codes Of Creation To Ascend. Ever Wanted To Know The Exact Codes To Ascend? This teaching of Ascended Master St. Germain, channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, focuses on the Codes Of Creation To Ascend. These are a simplified/concise teaching revealing how[…]
OBSERVING THE HAND OF HIGHER REALMS (In The Creation Of The United States Of America…) By Phillip Elton Collins in concert with St. Germain Many of the creators of The Constitution of the United States were profoundly aware that the document was divinely inspired and that its principles and reality often moved beyond the[…]
EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT DEPENDENT UPON THE STATE OF HUMANITY Dear Beloved Students, Please know in your reality that the evolution of consciousness is in direct correlation to the ascension process of creation and this planet, independent of the choices that humanity chooses through free will and choice. Your planet, a conscious[…]
Dear Beloved Students, As we share together the precious pathway of The Constitution of The United States let us review FOUR key principles necessary to preserve this mighty energetic intention and document that was the glorious gift from we of the higher realms. OBSERVING THE HAND OF PROVIDENCE It was observed by many of your[…]
WELCOME TO YOUR 2017 “Twenty-Eight Tool Reminders” (2+8=10; 1+0=1) The year of Rebirth & New Beginnings From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher & Guardian Received by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Humans Being Human, As you embark upon you new year 2017 filled with 3D chaos, confusion and often confrontation,[…]
State Of The Union Phillip Elton Collins The Angel News Network Knowing we have all chosen to be within this divine experiment in diversity, and as a response (not a reaction) to the division and duality we are currently experiencing within these sometimes not so “United” States of America may I share: We all[…]
CHOOSING TO BE A COSMIC CITIZEN More and more I am mastering the essential reality of letting go of this three dimensional world of our emotions, thoughts and physical natures and embracing my new reality of being a citizen of the cosmos. I don’t plan to abandon my life within this frequency but[…]
Message To America (USA) This message is a preamble for the 2017 Dialogues to be discussed in combination with Saint Germain’s Seven Discourses being presented during 2016. Dear Beloved Students of Ascension, At present, through this divine soul chosen channel, I have been presenting in a concise, simplified Seven Discourse format many of[…]
A BIRTHDAY GIFT: THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network August, 2016 Beginning on August 13th through the 19th, 2016, the planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter comes into our cosmic night sky for another special alignment which represents a recurrence of energies of the Harmonic Convergence[…]
SEPARATING FROM SEPARATION INTO ONENESS Given by The Council of Archangelic Realms (CAR) Received by Phillip Elton Collins, co-founder of the Angel News Network Dear Beloved Human Beings, Being So Human, Many of you know we of the angelic realms, throughout your chaotic history, have loved and supported humanity through the many[…]
Your Star, Your Sun, Your Destiny Given by The Keepers of Creation Received by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Human Star Seeds, Many Creator Consultants such as We The Keepers of Creation came together to create your planet Earth. In the past we gifted you with a teaching on HOW THE[…]
How The Earth Was Created Given by The Keepers of Creation Received by Phillip Elton Collins, Co-founder of the Angel News Network Dear Beloved Earthlings, Within your ascension process of moving into a higher frequency of existence it is time to better understand creation and your relationship within it. Understanding the creation of your[…]
The Core Cause And The Cure For Terrorism A Christmas message from Adama, The Father of Humanity Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Children upon the surface of planet Earth, We of the Inner Earth Civilizations come to you at this crucial time within your evolutionary personal process[…]
June 18, 2015 Divine Discussions What Is Life And The True Cure For Disease-2 Dear Beloved Angel News Network Soul Family, We have begun our three part DIVINE DISCUSSIONS teaching on WHAT IS LIFE AND THE TRUE CURE OF DISEASE with a resounding success. Archangels Gabriel and Raphael through channel Phillip Elton Collins, joined[…]
Twelve Codes Of Consciousness Given from The I Am Presence and Christ Consciousness Energies Received by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Children of Earth, You are completely consciousness, awakened when you are able to apply these Twelve Codes of Consciousness gifted from the twelve Star Systems which seeded your planet: Allowing[…]
Me Or We, You Choose Inspired by Archangel Uriel, World Teacher Received and Messaged by Phillip Elton Collins The Angel News Network Dear Divine Human Souls, It is the destiny of your planet and humanity to move from a ‘me’ consciousness to a ‘we’ consciousness . Let us examine the two forms of consciousness and[…]
Ever Lasting Energy Accessed From The Akashic Records Written by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network At this time let us discuss the type of energy that is responsible for maintaining and sustaining all life: the type of energy that is responsible for us being telepathic; an energy that moves far beyond the individual[…]
Being Human Given by Archangel Uriel, Received by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Dear Beloved Humans Choosing To Be Human, Being Human (humanity being God), is a divinely supported self-balancing-correcting personal process that allows, through your freedom of choice and will, to forego (transmute) being human and returning to cosmic beingness: pure light[…]
Forging A New Future, Five Fundamental Shifts Inspired by Archangel Uriel, World Teacher & Guardian Received & Written by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network “Freedom of choice and will and your divine destiny are promised to each of you and integrated in your purpose (soul plan) in being here,” Archangel Uriel. Dear Beloved[…]
The meaning, value and purpose of this cyber-place is to reveal and share in detail the often unseen levels of consciousness; whose responsibility and service is to love, support and guide us through a personal process: a contract of being human. We have all chosen to be here. Humanity would be incomplete without each and[…]