Uriel Message #14: Choice Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings from the Beloved Realm of Uriel, the light of your world. We once again come to you at this most important time in your planet history. It’s about CHOICE, DEAR ONES. What do you now choose, to move forward with changes in you that are[…]
Uriel Message #6: Your Planet and Love Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings Beloved Earth beings from the consciousness and realm that always focuses upon your planet and all things upon and within it. Your earth is a living being just like you, dear ones. Made up of all the same parts from the same[…]
Uriel Message #5: Truth and Hope Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings Beloved People of Earth from the loving, heartfelt force and realm of Uriel. When all seems lost it is an opportunity to find hope and solution, dear ones. Your world is filled with so much hopelessness now. So much conflict and separation from[…]
Uriel Message #4: Who Are You? Why Are You Here? Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Greetings from the energy, the vibration, the consciousness your call Uriel. Who are we? Why are we here? All Archangelic realms are “bands” of high vibratory forces of energy, thus consciousness. For consciousness is merely concentrated energy and intention, dear[…]
Uriel Message #2: Uriel, Yes We Are working Together Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins Oh Happy Days! We are delighted with your choice to work with us, dear one. Welcome. There is much work to be done at this most dramatic time of change upon your planet. Much is being revealed to humanity of the[…]
What Has Love Got To Do With It? https://www.phillipeltoncollins.com/mp3/What_Has_Love_Got_To_Do_With_It.mp3 Higher Realms (Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael and Saint Germain – via conscious channel Phillip Elton Collins) discuss love, the building block of all there is. Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!