Sacred Shifts To Ascend With Adama Click here to hear Sacred Shifts. “What you are experiencing within your personal lives and the upheaval within your outside world now is a direct reflection of the ascension process (transitioning to a higher frequency/consciousness of existence) of your planet herself. As your Mother Earth continues to contract[…]
Saint Germain’s Glossary: 3 Click here to hear Saint Germain’s Glossary-3 Podcast Listen to inspiring and informative word definitions from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses.” Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!
Five Fundamental Shifts Needed To Advance As A Species Click here to hear Five Fundamental Shifts. Through the continued chaos and change taking place within our world and lives, let us remember/know we are experiencing a “resetting” of the divine soul plan compass of the planet and humanity; the compass being our evolution into[…]
Saint Germain’s Glossary: 2 Click here to hear Saint Germain’s Glossary-2 Podcast Listen to inspiring and informative word definitions from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses.” Each definition offers an energetic download! Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!
Saint Germain Discourse 4: Codes Of Creation To Ascend Click here to hear Codes Of Creation To Ascend. Ever Wanted To Know The Exact Codes To Ascend? This teaching of Ascended Master St. Germain, channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, focuses on the Codes Of Creation To Ascend. These are a simplified/concise teaching revealing how[…]
Saint Germain’s I AM Podcast Click here to hear the I AM Podcast. Receive energetic downloads as you listen to inspiring and informative word definitions from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses related to the I AM Presence.” Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!
Click here to hear I AM A Wondrous Way Shower. This Divine Discussions podcast is from Discourse #3: I AM A Wondrous Way Shower. Listen as we share how to move these self-empowering ascension tools from being an abstraction to an applied integrated wisdom. Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses”[…]
Connecting With The Council Of Archangelic Realms As cosmic events continue to support and affect our planet’s ascension process we humans are also integrating these energies through our emotional, mental and physical bodies. This podcast contains a dialogue with the Council Of Archangelic Realms (Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel – via[…]
Saint Discourse #2: The I AM Presence & The Violet Flame The purpose of this discourse and dialogue is to further reveal two essential tools within your ascension process. You are a wise and eternal being, and you have chosen to incarnate in this time and space to assist with the evolution of[…]
Saint Germain’s Glossary: 1 Listen to inspiring and informative word definitions from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses.” Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!
Saint Germain’s Discourse 1 Podcast: Who Am I? The time has uniquely come to apply the CLARITY, and SELF-EMPOWERMENT TOOLS of the higher realms, in order to create the peaceful and loving lives and equal, balanced and harmonious world we say we want and need. Listen as Ascended Master Saint Germain, via conscious[…]
Downloading The Violet Flame Learn about and invoke the Violet Flame from “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” to assist with humanity’s ascension. Click Here To Purchase “Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses” for 99 cents!