Click here to hear the Codes Of Angelic Access Podcast Listen in as The Council Of Archangelic Realms (Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel – via conscious channel Phillip Elton Collins), Jyude Allbright and SAM discuss sixteen Codes Of Angelic Access.
Five Fundamental Shifts Needed To Advance As A Species Click here to hear Five Fundamental Shifts. Through the continued chaos and change taking place within our world and lives, let us remember/know we are experiencing a “resetting” of the divine soul plan compass of the planet and humanity; the compass being our evolution into[…]
Connecting With The Council Of Archangelic Realms As cosmic events continue to support and affect our planet’s ascension process we humans are also integrating these energies through our emotional, mental and physical bodies. This podcast contains a dialogue with the Council Of Archangelic Realms (Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel – via[…]
Podcast: Eight Sacred Principles Of Leadership The Council Of Archangelic Realms (Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel – via conscious channel Phillip Elton Collins) discuss eight sacred principles of leadership. In order to create love, equality and balance in our world what qualities must our leaders today assume? Click Here To Purchase[…]
Being Multi-Dimensional: Living Parallel Lives From the Council of Archangelic Realms (CAR) Received by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Published In: DIVINE DISCUSSIONS: Higher Realms Speaking Directly To Us… Dear Beloved Humans Being Human, For those of you not familiar with the Council of Archangel Realms (CAR), we are the[…]