State Of The Union Phillip Elton Collins The Angel News Network Knowing we have all chosen to be within this divine experiment in diversity, and as a response (not a reaction) to the division and duality we are currently experiencing within these sometimes not so “United” States of America may I share: We all[…]
CHOOSING TO BE A COSMIC CITIZEN More and more I am mastering the essential reality of letting go of this three dimensional world of our emotions, thoughts and physical natures and embracing my new reality of being a citizen of the cosmos. I don’t plan to abandon my life within this frequency but[…]
Message To America (USA) This message is a preamble for the 2017 Dialogues to be discussed in combination with Saint Germain’s Seven Discourses being presented during 2016. Dear Beloved Students of Ascension, At present, through this divine soul chosen channel, I have been presenting in a concise, simplified Seven Discourse format many of[…]