Most are aware of the controlling structure of most religions; my way or no way. This does not mean that religions are not doing some good work but they have caused more pain and suffering on this planet than any other force, in the name of God. The not so new spirituality (transforming consciousness) has birthed outside the structures of our main religions, actually practicing what many religion’s teach.
With this increase in consciousness, at the same time we are experiencing an entrenchment and intensification of the ego. We are seeing this in religions, governments and corporations holding onto the old control, fighting back to the death. But the ego is destined to die and all its mummified structures. The strongest structures resisting change will fall first. We saw this with the Berlin Wall and Communism. And there are many more wondrous events to take place… Remember fear, doubt and ignorance are the fuel of the ego, be sure they do not come into play, preventing the creation of the life we say we want.
Phillip Elton Collins
Co-Founder, The Angel News Network
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