Greetings Beloved Earth beings from the consciousness and realm that always focuses upon your planet and all things upon and within it.
Your earth is a living being just like you, dear ones. Made up of all the same parts from the same materials. Your planet has organs, body parts and feelings not separate from your own. You’ve treated your planet like a lifeless, non-feeling thing for many of your earth years. You’ve forgotten that it’s your home in the universe to be loved, honored and protected. But just like yourselves, your treatment of your planet reflects your lack of self-love of yourselves.
And now you’re beginning to realize and know what effects your planet affects you and vice versa. It’s all inner-connected. And only through loving yourselves can you save your planet from your destruction of it. How you treat your planet is a mirror of how you treat yourself and each other. That’s why the processing of the “me” to get to the “we” is so vital now. Only till you truly love yourselves can you love your world and all things upon it.
This is an excellent example of how love is the glue that holds everything in the universe together. For without love all things collapse and fall apart. It’s the key ingredient in the recipe of life.
Through the possible destruction of your planet and home, the truth of who you are and why you are here can come to you, if you so choose.
You are here to learn to love and support and serve one another. And this relationship with the self has stood in the way of this.
So we remind you again at this most important time in your world to know the importance of love. It ain’t just a lyric in a pop song. It can mean survival or not.
Awaken your hearts and souls to the importance of love now. Stop and ask what would love do now in each moment of the now. And follow your heart in saving your world and all things upon and within it, dear ones.
Love, love, love can create a relationship with yourself that spreads out into your world creating harmony and equality and sharing for all.
So once again, we remind you. It all begins with you and the “mirror” of you out there….
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