Greetings Beloved People of Earth from the loving, heartfelt force and realm of Uriel.
When all seems lost it is an opportunity to find hope and solution, dear ones.
Your world is filled with so much hopelessness now. So much conflict and separation from yourselves. This is all due to a lack of love within your world. We must remind you at this time, the purpose, the Divine Plan of your planet is to experience love…the highest force in the universe. And that your planet is a supreme experiment in diversity to find that love, thus oneness toward yourself and others.
Each day the forces of love are coming into your world. And each day many of you deny these loving forces because you do not love yourselves enough to accept and receive them. It’s as simple and as complex as that dear ones.
Why is it taking so long to know this truth? Because you have been taught otherwise.
You have been taught from generation to generation that you are not good enough to receive this love. And why is this so? By experiencing what is not true, you shall experience what is true. This is one of the ways you have chosen to learn. You often chose to learn how to be by how not to be. Within the contrast and untruth you reveal the truth to yourself. You discover and know light by the contrast of darkness. You come to know love by the absence of it. For since love is all there is, it cannot not exist; only your experience of the absence of it for whatever the reasons. And the absence does not make it true.
So it’s all about the truth. The truth of who you are and then you can know why you are here, if you so choose. To know you are creations of the highest vibratory, loving force in the universe. You are a unique portion of that force experiencing itself in the moment of now in your earth realm.
And why are you here? To grow and expand into the value, meaning and purpose of your being here. And you cannot have value, meaning and purpose outside yourself until you know it within yourself. And how do you do this?
By not worrying about the “how”…know who you are and the why and how will be revealed to you without much effort on your part. This lives within your hearts, not your minds. Your heart knows you are here to express love. And only you are preventing this through a lack of self-love.
Learning “what is” by experiencing “what is not” allows you to choose what is. Focus on what is in each moment of the now and see how your world changes.
Your hearts await you, dear ones. To fully move into your heart space and allow yourself to know what love would do now in each and every moment. And your awareness and actions will be a direct reflection of your love of you.
Just imagine that love is the building block of everything in the universe. Within love lies everything you need to know, be or do. You just need to tap into it. It’s always been there. It’s you who have not been aware of it in order to receive it.
Open your hearts now Dear World and allow the deepest mysteries of your world to be revealed, the inter-connection of everything. You all need your love of self and one another and all things for the cycle of life to be complete. Everyone and everything on/in your planet is connected by the force of love (or not). The vehicle for knowing this is to feel it from within your hearts. Once the feeling becomes a knowing you will remember who you are and re-discover why you are here.
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