Greetings to our “Be-Loved” channel of the vortex, the energy, the realm of God’s light known as Uriel.
You have had many earth life times to prepare for the work you are about to do.We are “de-lighted” that you have chosen “to be”, in all aspects of your life, a messenger of our wisdom and love for your planet and mankind.
This next year will be an important one for you Dear One. You will move into maximum speed and intention into your work with others and us. Your foundation has been the messages of Gabriel. That is true for most of us. You have opened your heart to receive the lessons and wisdom of Michael. You are now beginning to be exposed to Brother Rafael, as well as the energies of many others and several star realms.
The purpose of all this is so that you fully become into knowing and experiencing whom you are and why you are here. Questions we pose constantly until you all fully know the answers.
You are now a teacher of our wisdoms so that others will more fully be able to answer these two critical questions. You have completed enough of your “me” focus to now make the “we” more important than the old addictions that no longer serve you nor others.
The Angel News Network new group order is a proxy for the world service to be done. You three co-founders will create a foundation of all of the lessons and wisdoms you have chosen to receive to be given to mankind. Can there be any more important work for you, dear ones?
It is time to move yourself and others forward into the truth of your existence. Much is being revealed. Much more is to come. Few of the many will accept the task-at-hand and take our love of you into themselves and their world.
But change is all there is and it doesn’t take too many to reach critical mass and effect the necessary changes to save you from yourselves.
Never before in the history of your planet have you received so much assistance from the angelic and star realms. You have the best chance ever to make a go of it, dear ones…to return love of self and others into your world so you may achieve your full individual and planetary divine plans (all connected to God Power’s divine plan).
So as you focus on the day you came into this world, two days after the close of World War II, you can commit and intend that there shall never be that type of separation again, that was created through lies and deceit creating fear in the masses in order to control them for the benefit of the few.
At a time when most humans chose aging and disease you have chosen truth and love. We welcome you to the realm of truth and love you child of the awakened heart, you child of light, you child of God Power.
Now chose the use of your energies left upon your world wisely in order to be the master teacher you chose to be.
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