Good day from the angelic energy and realm of our consciousness known as Uriel in your earth plane.
These are exciting days for your planet, beloved humans. We and many of you have been preparing for this moment in your earth time for quite some time.
It has taken a great deal of readiness and preparation, you might say. You have had to “advance” to a certain vibration of consciousness for what is about to unfold to happen. It has been a “concerted” effort on our and your parts to see these necessary changes happen in your world.
You first had to be reminded who you are and why you are here in order to effect the change. You are multi-dimensional beings (spirit and physical) believing you are living in a third dimensional realm. But in fact you’ve been living in several realms at the same time all along. You just most often were not aware of it. You’ve had a hint of it when you sleep and go into the 4th astral dimension or when you have a near death experience and come back and remember some of what you experienced.
You are now being prepared to experience in an awakened state others realms. These realms created you, maintain and sustain you now, and are working very hard to assist you in moving into your full divine plan of love and oneness. You’ve had to experience a lot of separation from yourself and others to know this oneness now. It’s how you chose to learn. The most important lesson has been love of self in order to love others. This has been the major imbalance upon your planet. It has created your greed and wars and separation from one another.
Now you are realizing you are all divine, diversified expressions of the same source. And you are becoming “super mutts,” as Gabriel has told you. As your races complete their genetic mix through interracial unions you truly and literally are producing the oneness you need to achieve in order to advance.
Once this consciousness is fully in place you will be able to know and experience directly the forces that have created you. But up until now you have not been able to experience us fully due to your low vibration of consciousness/awareness. You cannot know what you cannot conceive.
Now that you are ready and beginning to experience us, things will and can happen at a faster pace. You’ll be able to manifest change more quickly in order to unite and prevent the destruction of yourselves.
These are indeed “good days” as we began in this message. You now know the goodness in yourself and others and the connection of the two. You are not alone and you now know this truth. And this truth will set you free from yourselves to know the truth of your being, which is about to change your world in order to incorporate its divine plan of love and oneness. Stay tuned…
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