Moving Me To We,
Creating A New World Of Wonder
By Phillip Elton Collins
(with a lot of help from higher realms)
Who Am I?
Throughout the history of humanity the words ‘KNOW THYSELF” has echoed within all spiritual wisdoms. Knowing who we are determines what we perceive as needs and discovering why we are here is vital in the balance of who and why. There are many spiritual/metaphysical teachings to assist us in answering and applying the answers to who we are and why we are here. Ask and we shall receive…
Ultimately we are learning that all things are transient (and we are divine spirits living in a nonpermanent physical world) and better being able to respond rather than react to life’s events; choosing peace and love over the opposite. If small things get us down, then we are thinking of ourselves as small. If peace matters most we remain nonreactive, knowing how to set boundaries and have our needs met.
Who we truly are (conscious) not who we think we are (unhealed me) are vital distinctions. The world will eventually deliver to our doorstep who we truly are. We eventually know we are not our unconscious egos by becoming aware of them. No one can tell us who we are. It is our soul’s purpose to assist us in discovering this ourselves. Once we master the who and why then we affirm our talents and gifts and learn how to bring them out into the world. After all we are the creator creating all the time, and our purpose is to bring our who and why to the world.
Click Here For Section 54