Being conscious in our doing is the ascension stage in the evolution of conscious our planet and we humans are experiencing now. The closer we get to the end of our present ascension stage the more dysfunctional the ego becomes (have you noticed how insane things appear in our nation and world now). This is the necessary clearing and cleansing that is essential to our ascension process of moving into a higher realm of existence. So no matter how things look
on the outside, the increased consciousness is emerging as the old dies. Some have compared what is happening like the metamorphosis of the butterfly; from the hungry worm to a beautifully winged creature. Higher realms tell us we are in the final 2,000-year ascension cycle for our planet which began December 2012.
Consciousness is flowing into our emotions and thoughts inspiring us to higher realms; it flows into what we do, guides and empowers us. How we do things will determine fulfilling our divine destiny through our consciousness, or not.
The new paradigm of love, equality, harmony and balance is rising as more and more people discover that their soul plan (purpose to be here) is to bring the light of consciousness into this weary world; to be and do everything in a sacred manner, as each of us is an essential aspect of the collective human consciousness.
Phillip Elton Collins
Co-Founder, The Angel News Network
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