Most often we turn into the thing or situation we are fighting against (what we resist, persists). Fighting unconsciousness will transmute us into unconsciousness ourselves. Dysfunctional ego actions, unconsciousness, can never be conquered by fighting it. Even if we win against our opponent, the unconsciousness energy will slip into us, as our opponent often reappears in another disguise…again what we resist, persists. The ego housed in the human mind has been defined as a dysfunctional collection of insanities. When we know what the ego is and what it is capable of, we can better make nonpersonal positive choices where it isn’t about who is right or wrong but where both sides can compassionately benefit from a win-win solution and our egos are no longer in control, and there is no more need for competition.
Phillip Elton Collins
Co-Founder, The Angel News Network
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