The primary reason for our existence in being human is to bring the dimension of consciousness into our personal lives, thus the world. This is achieved by being in the now moment of presence, free from the binds of the past and the future. In high realms there is only now. Think how much of our lives are negatively affected by the past or worrying about the future. By focusing on ‘what is’ in our lives in the present moment rather than ‘what is not’ from the past, present or future we become free. And know what we need (not want) is present or we would not be here.
Emotions creating thoughts create our reality in this 3D dimension. But we are not these emotions and thoughts and they within themselves do not create lack and limitation and unhappiness. Only emotions and thoughts plus an unhappy story that we are attached to creates a life not to our liking.
Phillip Elton Collins
Co-Founder, The Angel News Network
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