St Germain invites us to receive the seasonal energy of the Christ (Soul) Consciousness to awaken to our divinity and to recognize that we are all diversified versions of one another. He tells us that in the decade beginning 2020 we will be entering a decade of clearing and cleansing the dark energy that has prevailed on this planet for millennia. The United States, he tells us, was created to (and will) play a major role in this clearing and cleansing.
The United Nations has approved the strip mining of vast areas of the ocean floor that will “destroy countless eco systems in the biggest transformations that humans have ever made to the surface of the planet.” St Germain warns that the Earth is a living, conscious being and its oceans are its endocrine system. Humanity, he says, tempts experiencing the same fate as Atlantis which also risked destroying the planet. In the decade beginning 2020, he says, mankind will have the opportunity to block the same forces behind this mining that have controlled our planet for millennia.
St Germain counsels that a healthy diet is composed of food that does not involve taking a life. (No meat.) He says animals on Earth did not come here to be enslaved by humanity or to be a food source. They came to “assist humanity in your evolutionary process.” The eating of flesh by humans or animals, he says, reflects a dense form of consciousness. “Once consciousness is raised, that will no longer take place.” That raising of consciousness is gradually taking place now.