Somewhere it is written we cannot judge others without first judging our self…
A new nation and world paradigm regarding justice requires a new look at justice itself. For justice is more than about a law enforced, courts, police or punishment delivered, it is about being human, as well. Justice is about how one is living now, what is acceptable, and what is not. Justice delivered right or wrong shapes how one feels and thinks about ones self in the world at present. When ‘justice‘ embarks upon an individual, it effects expectations, future decisions and ones sense of self, self-worth, being good enough. Justice, being judged by others, ponders questions. Who am I? Why am I here? Am I using the energy given me in this lifetime to the best use of that energy?
As humanity increases consciousness as a human species, humans are realizing that justice is more pervasive than first thought. The most dramatic/traumatic effect justice has is on the relationship with self. Throughout human lives one constantly judges ones self way before anyone else, so when someone else does the judging it is mixed with ones own self-judging. Ultimately, justice is a combination of inside and outside experiences that shape ones future responses/reactions with self and others. Ideally, justice serves as the “karmic balance” of personal, social and planetary well-being.
When one sees a wrong inflicted, one asks for justice to right it, returning self-empowerment to the wronged. In individual hearts one wants justice to maintain and sustain the possibilities and probabilities of ones ability to be together as diverse beings (being one another in disguise). Deep within, one wants/needs affirmation that one can share the planet with others in a loving and peaceful way. One asks all these things of justice, and divinely so, but rarely are they answered as hearts and minds request. Like so many models in life now it, not so simply, does not work.
The current model/structure of justice is sadly based upon judgments, punishments, guilt, fear and a lack of love (reflecting the lack of love for ones self). For many, they are not sure that justice even exists, that it is for the wealthy or someone else. At present, the lack of justice is so pervasive that many resign themselves to injustice as the quickest, most inevitable outcome. This is also reflecting in those who accept lies (call it what it is) as truth.
It is the sense of higher realms who are directing this endeavor that the current status is a “fake justice” (not unlike much of the “fake truths” out in the nation and world today). Through the ascensions progress of the planet and humanity all shall use this new, self-empowering energy to create a foundation for true justice, as it was originally intended. Before creating the new, let’s further look at the old to know what not to have in the future and why…
The basic problem is that the current system of justice believes life is a process of outside in rather than inside out. The human personal process is always one of inside out. Most of how human lives are set up is based upon externals (rather than internals): praise, punishment, testing, promises, and threats. Who gets what is based upon externals, thus most come to believe that life is based upon external terms. This is all about giving ones power away to others and to a system others attempt to control. The more this model is downloaded into humanity the more they lose personal control of their lives. Let’s look at four reasons why:
First, for far too long, race, gender, money, favoritism and corruption, have strongly affected outcomes and made justice a nasty joke for many. Second, justice can be manipulated with the more aggressive and devious winning and avoiding punishment. Often those who hold power over others define justice in ways that serve their interest (sounds like the current Congress in America). Third, most often justice is based on incomplete knowledge. For a decision to be just all factors need to be known (emotions, thoughts, physical actions and their interactions). Lastly, justice often boils down to who gets what and how much (externals). For human life to transcend externals, justice needs to factor in the meaning, value, purpose, transformation and healing elements of life.
True justice constructively balances the giving and receiving in life, healing and transforming ones deepest reason to be alive (to learn to love), supporting ones highest good. Justice of any other nature is destructive, falsely judging, punishing, pain provoking with no rehabilitations supporting the truth that humans are divine beings having a human experience and can forgivingly change a negative into a positive through love and compassion.
An externally focused/structured justice system (not taking into consideration humanity’s eternal divine essence) causes individuals to feel and think of themselves in outward terms only. This self-judgment is “non-soulfully” based upon aspects outside the self: visible achievements, money, grades, and titles. What will advance/achieve ones outer interest will become the focus for making choices.
Without being within a deep personal process and/or spiritual journey, many come to believe their interests as not only separate but in conflict with others. Unjust justice further supports many seeing themselves as separated beings put on the earth to compete for external rewards. This separation (through competition) can often lead to future confrontation by not ‘fitting in’.
The present reward-punishment justice system takes an equally heavy toll on emotions which, create thoughts which create physical actions. With judgment comes fear (an absence of love). If one makes another mistake, will one be more harshly punished? With this comes a life of stress and anxiety producing a chronic fear of being negatively judged again. Unseen emotional and mental lives become the greatest casualty of unjust justice. One stops listening to their internal gyro system, resonance and discernment showing the true path. By dismissing these internal experiences, the external model of justice disconnects one from innate God-given gifts. It is time to rediscover them and connect with whole being, inner and outer.
Now is the time to create a justice system that reflects who humans really are (divine beings having a human experience) and why they are here (to bring ones talents and gifts out into the world through building communities of love, equality, harmony and balance.) The divine manifestation of justice has been germinating in Western civilization for the past 2,000 years. And now in the final 2,000 year cycle of the ascension of the planet, the true view of justice is coming into focus.
Replacing the external view of justice starts the process of creating a system that operates from the inside out, reflecting the whole being and reason for being here (to learn to love). Rather than forcing social order on individuals from family, law and culture, see justice as the whole of humanity bringing their gifts and talents out into the world. Creative contributions to society can then be made not because one is forced to conform but because through their resonance and discernment they can bring into the world what brings them the greatest joy, supporting their purpose in being on earth. True justice operates and embraces all of who one is and affirms why one is here.
Of course, all of the above requires knowing who one is and why one is here. And that is the dilemma for most. But there are higher realms tools and teachings to assist humanity in this process. Ask and ye shall receive. It is essential at this time to connect with ones higher self (soul) and eternal inner being (spirit). Souls and spirits are waiting to awaken humanity and burst forth to remind all of what gives joy, what inspires meaning, value and purpose in human lives.
For justice to reflect who and why one is and to in effect honor and support them and their relations with self and others one must be connected emotionally, mentally, physically, soulfully and spiritually. By first knowing and mastering ones self by knowing who one is and why one is here, to be and do ones purpose: this is humanity’s ancient call into life.
Without the foundation of self-awareness and applying the unseen portions of ones self justice becomes an external matter, without any healing and forgiveness, transferring money and possessions, leaving one incomplete in its outcome. One feels justly treated when one is heard and seen for who they are and their sense of self and reason to be here are understood. This allows the building of communities/families of love, equality, harmony and balance.
To have justice truly live and work for humanity and fulfill humanity’s ideals of what justice can be, one must not reduce it to external terms. The essential inner need must have a seat at the table of life. Being and doing what is within, way shows the true path of justice. Without the inner life, one disconnects from the eternal portion of self that guides each lifetime. One disconnects from their soul plan and as history has proven reveals the most unhealed aspects of ones self.
This “inner approach” to justice calls spiritual components back into present life. Listening to ones soul is the key that opens the lock to real social order (knowing all are diversified aspects of oneness). At the most universal connection of being, who one is is connected to who everyone else is and through that core connection, soul plans are activated at the same time. This allows the building of communities of love, equality, harmony and balance. Being creates doingness coordinated from the higher realm spiritual aspects of all. All being God, being the creator creating, speaks to all through knowing humanity came from love, is loved and lovable.
An inner system of justice is already working. It can be seen within the restorative shift in justice practices, seeking not to punish but to heal, not to expand hurt but to mend broken relationships with self and others, as one sets right wrongs in a conscious manner. To be and do this all parties must be involved: victims, offenders, families and communities. Negative emotions prevail when there is a disconnection with self or others. Restoratives justice assists in reconnecting soulful connections. Through this connection transformation can occur. Through open, inner-revealing conversation, those who have harmed others can feel remorse; the trauma that plagues victims can diminish and sometimes heal completely. By allowing everyone involved to interact soul to soul, person to person, restorative justice integrates the balance between inner and outer. And life is all about a balance of giving and receiving. Balance is how the universe maintains and sustains its self, reflecting love (the building block of All There Is).