Greetings from the “Be-Loved” vortex and energy and consciousness of Uriel. Today we would like to speak about “If not now, when?” There is only now, dear ones. You have had your illusionary past and future effect you long enough. They have not served you well into moving into your purpose for being here, the past and future that is. It is necessary now for you to become aware of multi-dimensional realms in order to know that your time is an illusion that no longer serves you fully. There is a fluid in your spine that is being activated that allows, those who chose it, to experience and know now-ness by experiencing other dimensions rather than the one you thought only existed.
Once you are better able to move into now-ness, you can better be able to effect the necessary changes in your world to allow you to move into your divine plan as humans. A plan so glorious, motivated by love. This plan is allowing you to more fully, love yourself, thus others and begin to end the separation in your world. The separation from your authentic self, thus others.
In the now is the true you, dear ones. You can no longer blame the past and future on what is not. The now is what is. And what is is that you are a divine spiritual being having this human experience learning to truly embrace your divinity. Divinity does not include killing one another through your wars and having a few of you controlling the wealth and resources of your planet so many go without. When you learn to go within, you will learn you do not have to go without. For within is now. And in the moment of now it is your divine right to receive all you need. Only the not giving to others has created your not receiving and your accepting you are worthy enough to receive.
Right now dear ones you can chose to balance the equation of giving=receiving and allow the eternal abundance of the universe to unfold within each of you.
Now is now, dear ones. The word consciousness contains the letters “I-O-U” (consc “I-O-U” ness). The “I” is “U.” This means YOU OWE YOU awareness, the consciousness to be pre-sent to be now. And within this now-ness and awareness you will discover/remember you are the creator of your life, your world, your universe, dear ones!
“K-NOW-ingly” yours,
Consider the balance of giving and receiving by following the Paypal link at The Angel News Network.