Ancient sages teach us that no resistance, no shaming, blaming, judging, and no attachments are the three ingredients of enlightened freedom being and living. The foundation of these five is in the relationship with self (being a reflection of the universe).
As soon as we can accept with compassion and forgive the impermanence of our physical lives we can better let go of attachments, conscious of the fleetingness of each moment and situation which is due to the transience of all forms.
Once we accept the transience of all things and the inevitability of change (change is all there is), the better we can relax and find bliss in our worldly lives. Like climbing a mountain, when we detach we gain a higher vantage point (higher realm view) which to better view our lives (rather than being held hostage by them). In fact, through detachment, no judgment, and no resistance we gain access to higher realms to support our life’s journey.
When we minimize our lives in form our consciousness (who we truly are) rises, and we loosen our footing to the foundation of fleeting form. Peace comes from the formless part of us, not the often furious form. Once we embrace the impermanence of all form this opens the doorway to the eternal. Only the eternal in us can fully recognize the fleeing as fleeting (form).
Phillip Elton Collins
Co-Founder, The Angel News Network
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