If we so choose through our free will, it is time to make our nearest and dearest relationship with the present Now moment. Our relationship with Now is the most essential relationship in our lives. If our Now is imbalanced this will affect every relationship we have. The ego has also been defined as an imbalanced relationship with our present Now moments. Being the creator creating our lives all the time, we can decide/choose now what type of relationship we need and want with the present moment.
The choice to make the present moment our bosom buddy, is the death knell of the ego. Our egos can never be in alignment with the Now moment (being aligned with life); since the ego’s mission is to miss the Now moment, to revisit the Now, ignore the Now, not value the Now. Our egos feed upon time; the more dominant our egos the more it consumes our lives. The majority of our emotions and thoughts are connected with the past or future. Our sense of self is often dependent upon our identity in the past or our future fulfillment. The emoted feelings of fear, doubt, anger, ignorance are examples of the imbalances of the time-bound state of consciousness.
There are three basic ways our egos react to the Now moment of presence; (1) the enemy (them), (2) solution (me), and (3) a problem (them). See if you can come up with examples for each of these in your life at present.
So the question for us to ponder at present is: What is my relationship with the Now present moment? The answer to this question is a revealing way to uncover where the ego is in our lives. For the truth is we and the Now present moment are one. It seems this concept of oneness keeps popping up. Maybe the universe is trying to tell us something!
Phillip Elton Collins
Co-Founder, The Angel News Network
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