Through only connecting with the mind, a false sense of self (ego) came into existence. Our level of density is dependent upon the degree we are connected only to our minds housing our egos, negating the vastness of consciousness, the totality of who we are (divine beings having a human experience). Remember it is our density that prevents us from routinely connecting with higher realms (living in a higher frequency of existence).
Most of our thinking is involuntary (thinking happens to us), repetitive and automatic. Have you ever felt the voices in our heads have a life of their own? Without being conscious of these voices we feel at the mercy of these voices. Being aware of them, frees us from them. Our minds are programmed by the past and future, often refuting the present, our awareness brings us back to the now moment. Consciousness, seeing our lives clearly, is the first step toward transmuting it.
Phillip Elton Collins
Co-Founder, The Angel News Network
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