Throughout my training as a Light Ascension Therapist, and continuing to teach what I need to learn and throughout the many books I have read and written, I have remained fascinated with the meaning, value and purpose of truth and the lack of it in our world today. How did things get this way and how can we as a human species make another choice through our free will? And what exactly is ‘truth’ anyway since we seem to have such a short supply of it?
Joining the many higher realms I directly access myself and reflecting the teachings and tools of many others, please allow this to begin a divine dialogue/discussion on truth, and/or the lack of it.
GOD’S GLOSSARY, A DIVINE DICTIONARY, Definitions To change Everything, by this author defines “truth” as: “Something that radiates from the knowing heart, realizing believes come from the mind and can change. Truth is inclusive embracing ALL THERE IS in an eternal cosmic dance that is complete. Truth sets us free to be who we are and to know why we are here. Truth is constant and cannot be destroyed. Untruth is a creation of humanity, an illusion of the 3D reality, that has kept us trapped in duality, lack and limitation far too long.”
Perhaps it is time for humanity to make another choice in creating a constant contact of truth in our lives. So why is truth not an every moment reality, and how did untruth gain such a foothold and how can we achieve more truth to finally set us free from ourselves and others??
In my heart, I know the reason so many higher realms are constantly connecting with humanity is so that we can understand ourselves more fully, to eventually free ourselves from ourselves, in order to embrace and become our eternal spiritual beings (a form of learning of which we agreed). Much of the teaching that my colleagues, Joel Anastasi and Jeff Fasano, and I at The Angel News Network directly receive from higher realms has to do with who we are and why we are here.
Most people do not remember what they came here to achieve, not fully knowing their talents and gifts. We are here to activate our divine soul plans (reason to be here). See ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL PLAN: ANGEL ANSWERS & ACTIONS, in the Angel News Network library. The most essential thing forgotten is that we are powerful spiritual beings choosing to have this human experience and that we can directly connect with the higher realms from whence we came anytime we intend. Another one of the many self-empowering
publications at The Angle News Network is LIFE MASTERY, A Guide For Creating The Life You Want and The Courage To Live It. This is a teaching from Archangel Michael which creates a dialogue and exercises to address the truth of you.
Once you know the ‘who’ and the ‘why’ of your life as a foundation you can build the what, how, when and where. But many do not know these and are accepting of the present way of their lives and world (even though their heart hurts for more). They have convinced themselves that ‘surviving’ life each day is enough, that lies are part of life, and killing one another in war is acceptable human behavior.
What we have not fully realized is that often our personal lives and our erroneous beliefs are sustained by the untruths and fears of others. Thus few of us are able to maneuver through the upheaval of life on Planet Earth and those of us who do know are often shunned, not believed or killed. But many of us who do know continue to follow our resonance and discernment (our internal gyro system) as an essential aspect of our divine soul plans, our purpose in being here. We do not concern ourselves with those who believe us or how many show up to read or listen to what we have to say. We simply tell the truth supported by the higher realms from whence we came.
Of course one of the largest variables in telling the truth is how to reveal the truth to many who are not ready to hear it. We are constantly intending that we can ‘strike a chord’ within their souls or hearts where they might hear something that can become their truth. As messengers of self-empowerment and truth we understand that there are many people who have no desire to change; that change will not most likely take place in this life time or the past one. Then we accept with compassion and forgive, and move on. We know in our hearts that necessary changes in life are going to take place (a process of inside out, not outside in) no matter what or who chooses it.
This truth we shall hold: We are not here to convince nor to control what we did not create but to present the truth and allow others to decide for themselves their truth (through their freedom of will and choice).. Higher realms have taught us that humanity slices up in three portions: (1) one-third is here to know the truth and effect a change from the old to new creating equality, harmony and balance, (2) One-third is in resistance to any change or the truth being told, and (3) the final one-third has no idea what is coming on. Those resonating with this writing are of the first one-third.
Many people are not able to change due to a lack of trust. Throughout our pre-and recorded histories and past and present lives there have been many situations when humanity was lied to and controlled by others whose primary objective was power and control (attempting to control what we have not created is a grand folly of humanity’s wounded ego). When we tried to reveal the truth we were often (as mentioned earlier) not believed or sometimes killed. This created a fear that was locked into our cellular memory that has been pasted on to future lives through our spiritual DNA. Fear is an absence of love and healing that lack of love is essential within our evolutionary personal process of ascension. The Angel News Network offers many tools in healing your relationship with self that affects your relationship with others and your world. See The Angel News Network Web Site.
Those of us who live our lives through our soulful resonance (how we feel about it from our hearts) and our discernment (how we think about it from our minds) rather than the beliefs and truth of others, may be seen as threats to some, but through our freedom of will and choice we become the ones to effect the needed change within our weary world. Without us there would be no change.
We freed thinkers know we cannot hide our emotions and thoughts and truth. We know the non-truthful work secretively through deceit and denial of their deceit and those untruthful people will see we of truth as untrustworthy, as we do them.
Still at present there are many people who continue to live in fear of telling the truth even when they know it because they have been or can be threatened by controlling/manipulating others who need their secrets kept or insist you adopt their rigid belief system(s). Does this sound familiar? Only a healed strong loving relationship with self will allow you to break through attempted control (remember, humanity cannot control what it did not create, and others did not create you!).
Let us remember that even our silence of not speaking the truth when we know it supports the untruth. Fear of speaking the truth has also allowed some to create reasons why it is acceptable to tell a non-truth. Some non-truth tellers even can reach a point in believing their own non-truth which can lead to greater and greater non-truths .Eventually those around these people no longer believe them even when they are telling the truth. Gaining future trust will be a lengthy process or not achieved at all.
All of our relationships with self-mirroring to others are founded upon love of self, trust and compassion we have for self and each other. Lack of trust due to a lack of love has created all the negative personal and world relationships we are experiencing at present. These lacks affect us emotionally, mentally, physically and our soul. Through knowing and honoring our truth (who we are and why we are here), our needs (do you know your needs?) and our boundaries (what are yours?) and those of others we can create the world we say we want. Knowing your truth, needs and boundaries are essential to knowing and sharing your truth. We at The Angel News Network are here to support you in knowing and applying these. Honor your own truth, needs and boundaries and those of others. If it’s time to leave a non-resonating/non-discerning relationship, do so and allow another choice to come through.
If we intend to be in any successful relationship (be it personal or globally) it needs to be based upon truth. This is the reason we have so many divorces and our domestic and world governments are often at each other’s throats. There is no trust due to past untruthful behavior. When untruths and half-truths are historically and repeatedly exchanged it makes it impossible to know the truth when it is told. Many world leaders have simply lost the ability to trust other leaders after years of non-truths. Now its usually the one who waves the biggest sword who gets the most media attention but even that no longer works so much if both have nuclear power and can destroy each other, along with millions of others and the planet. This has happened with past advanced civilization and it was not very effective!. Until truth becomes the Code of Conduct worldwide, the world will not be at peace. Who wrote, “The truth will set us free.” ?
So the question becomes “is it possible to reintroduce truth and trust into our relationships?” Not everyone is untruthful. There are plenty of conscious caring people who understand and apply the importance of truth and trust in many of their personal, professional and governmental relationships. Let us come together and build communities of equality, harmony and balance. It is time, if we so choose, for we the people, by the people, for the people to stand up and be counted and insist on selecting partners and leaders with the same wisdom about truth.
It is time to move beyond the past and present and to accept with compassion and forgive this untruthful way of learning what we need to learn as a human species and begin to choose truth throughout our lives. The need and desire for world peace and successful relationships is awakening, as we awaken as human beings. Endeavors such as The Angel News Network are dedicated to you and me finding the peace within so that we can activate a process of inside out (not outside in) into the world.
Perhaps it is time to remember we are all of same cosmic elements, created from the same Oneness. That we all need the same things to be loved and safe, and there is plenty for all, without the few attempting to control the many through duality and confrontation and non-truths. Let us further shift our awareness into Oneness/We Consciousness where we know we are creating within the Oneness of All There Is.
My intention in writing this is that all of us be able to awaken to know who we are and why we are here, speaking our truth freely and insisting that others do the same. The truth begins with each one of us reflecting out to others….
Please know we of The Angel News Network are here to support you within your personal process and being the truth.
The Light of Truth never fails,
Phillip Elton Collins
Co-founder, The Angel News Network,