Discourse #4




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Codes Of Creation To Ascend


Beloved Students,

As explained earlier, we Ascended Masters who once walked this Earth as humans have sent for many millennia Codes of Creation to assist and support your moving into a higher frequency/consciousness of existence.


During this year 2016 Star Seed energies from the twelve star systems that ‘seeded’ this planet are uniquely coming in on a monthly basis. This discourse and dialogue will review the twelve codes, plus a thirteenth that will be your planet when it ascends, followed by a poem this channel received from me.


As your planet continues to contract and expand during its final 2,000 year Ascension cycle, humanity is also being given wondrous opportunities to also ascend from a dense carbon based reality to light. This is your destiny, and how and when you get there is up to you through your free will. Those of you who choose not to ascend during this planet’s final epoch will do so elsewhere.


As has been explained, your personal ascension process is a process of inside out (not outside in) based upon your healed relationship with self (self being a reflection of ALL THERE IS).


Looking at your outside world is not a measure of the process. Remember, you will also contract and expand. Your ascension is not always a straight forward path. It is essential that you know that what is happening is something you chose on a higher level. What you are experiencing is not any form of punishment but the way you chose to facilitate your mastership.


Each Code of Creation is an energetic intention/portal representing those twelve star systems with the final Code being you and your planet’s ascension itself.


Codes Of Creation To Ascend


1. I intend to heal all wounds and ego defenses created from past and present lives. I remember these are not me, but they often rule my life and world at present. I have been given many tools from higher realms to assist in my healing. Am I ready to finally do the work and apply them? My healing will allow my direct connection with the ascended master realms, and become them.


2. I intend to know and apply the meaning, value and purpose of being within this third dimension of emotions, thoughts and physicality. Each dimension has a purpose; my purpose is to learn to love through duality and to transcend into world service through unity. Lower frequencies are not allowed within the higher realms. My mission is to raise my frequency through consciousness.


3. I intend to transmute my believing mind into service of my knowing heart. Stored within the DNA of my heart is all I need to know from past and present experiences. My self-mastered self is alive and well within my heart, and I am learning to think with my heart. I am in a process of learning how to access this.


4. I intend to know that duality, separation and confrontation are an illusion and not my ascended state of being. I shall wake up and remember there is no two, only one. I choose to release the pain and suffering this illusion has caused and not need to learn through it any more.


5. I intend to remember and apply the truth that all judgment, shaming and blaming in my world is simply how I feel about myself reflecting out to others.


6. I intend to surrender to not knowing even though my mental body thinks it knows. In the not knowing are all possibilities and probabilities living in the void of Creation. My knowing heart contains all I need to know. I am learning how to access this.


7. I intend to know that my ascension is the marriage/union of my eternal self, my I AM Presence, with Creation. I shall achieve this union through the healing of the self- centered me into the healed we.


8. I intend to remember that I agreed to a ‘human contract’ on this planet to understand, access and apply my divinity within every moment of the now. The failure to not remember this is the reason for all the dysfunction in my world now.


9. I intend to acknowledge that every human being, animal, plant, mineral and unseen being on this planet are conscious beings made of the same cosmic elements and have a divine right to be here. They are not meant to be controlled by me. Trying to control anyone or anything is a reflection of my non-loving relationship with myself.


10. I intend to realize that my emotions are creating the life I am having. My emotions create thoughts, which create actions. My emotions are stored in the atmosphere creating weather.


11. I intend to experience joy knowing it is one of the highest frequencies within the universe. Joy is an empowering aspect of love, the building block of the universe. The feeling of joy allows manifestation with grace and ease. I intend to pay attention to how much joy is presently in my life.


12. I intend to be conscious of my ascension process moving from density to light. This process is achieved by two factors: First, I know I came from love, I am love, and I am lovable, and I intend to mirror this out into the world; Second, I intend to have gratitude for ‘what is’ in my life rather than focus in on ‘what is not.’ I am mastering the cosmic equation: gratitude=abundance.


13. I intend to commit to be willing to do the work to release myself from myself. All the tools I need have been given to me from higher realms many times. I am ready to commit to my ascension and see it as the most important aspect of my life.

Your Teacher & Friend,
Saint Germain

Cosmic Concepts Of Consciousness *

Twelve Star Systems ‘seeded’ planet Earth.
Through these systems, we gained great girth.

Each star system gave a gift,
Which allows us to manifest a swift shift.
This gift is known as Three C’s:
Cosmic Concepts of Consciousness,
And they are always amongst us.

That heals Me consciousness,
Allowing We consciousness to apply.
Creating unity and oneness,
Eliminating the distress of
Separation, confrontation and duality,
So they are no longer a reality.

Is the sacred mission of Mother Earth.
First, love of self
Allows all the rest.
To stop judging, shaming and blaming,
And apply unconditional love,
For the God in me is the same as thee.
To know what we resist persists.

Through this Love-er-versity
You will end adversity
And create the next Golden Age.
All before was just a stage.

Thus forgive self,
And see all others as brothers.

To balance giving and receiving,
As an essential part
In our discovery and recovery.


Channeled By Phillip Elton Collins,

Co-founder of the Angel News Network>

Saint Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses Introduction/Index