The language of words or the lack of them often gets in the way of us humans effectively communicating, not expressing how we truly feel, or what we This is the result of our inability to use words as they were originally intended: to create what we want or need.
In today’s digital/electronic communication era we have a couple of generations of people who prefer to “communicate” via an electronic device, rather than verbally in person or by descriptive writing. These devices have created an addiction, a fear of being alone and with oneself, which is dramatic, and affecting relationships with others. Cyberspace was originally a gift from higher realms to allow us to free ourselves from controlling forces and unite us. We are now moving through a phase that is actually separating us and preventing intimacy through the technology itself. All of this is a preparation to become telepathic; we just have to survive the in process; we are destined to do so…
Let us now look at language through new and expanded definitions of words that create language. The words and their definitions within this glossary are intended to feed the heart and soul, as well as the mind, and unite us. These word of God definitions possess the qualities and powers that belong to the words themselves. This glossary is intended to return you and the word to your original divine intention; for you to know you are God experiencing yourself.
The word is still our most powerful tool. It was the disconnect from the words of higher realms that caused the demise of past golden ages. The present and future effective receiving and giving of words will ensure the creation of our final golden age.
Let the following words and their divinely expressed definitions delight and enlighten us toward our truth, love, and support of one another.