New Year’s Day Message


By Phillip Elton Collins


Greetings Beloved Active Angel Agents of The Angel News Network celebrating you, and all the divine souls on this planet in your New Year 2016.  We of The Inter Galactic Federation (IGF) with Adama, the Father of Humanity, bring you tidings of great joy and support on this your first day of your new Golden Age of We Consciousness. You have waited many millennia for this moment.

We have been granted dispensation to give you further clarity of your mission and karmic connections, Dear Souls. All of youIMG_0180 have had various and many lifetimes together on this planet with similar missions as present. Some deeper than others but all with the same purpose to bring truth and light into this world.

Now in this incarnational cycle and time of personal and planetary ascension it is your destiny, desire and direction to heal all aspects of self that have impeded you in the past and present, to be your message; your purpose in being here. Special self-empowering energies through various portal/vortices openings throughout the New Year will be gifted to you to support your personal and planetary processes.

You are in fact; continuing to be proxies of humanity who shall clear and cleanse all 3D unhealed aspects of self in order to raise your vibrations and to be the beingness of your soul plans. This is why you chose and were chosen for your past sacred journeys, Dear Brethren. This now is a continuation of your soul plans within the endeavor you call The Angel News Network and all those divine souls who resonate and participate within your endeavor.

Dear Brethren, if you so choose, it is time to accept with compassion and forgive any and all wounds and ego defenses created around those wounds that stand in your path. They are simply ‘learning tools’ you have chosen and intend to no longer need.

This has not so simply been the way your chose to learn what you needed to learn, the way you needed to learn it to insure a permanent healing.

34A0EDF0-Uriel1You are to become a Mighty Beacon reflecting the Mighty I Am Presence within each of you that cannot and will not house wounds and defenses. Are you ready to receive and give this to yourself and your waiting weary world? Are you ready for your Man Power to become your God Power?

This year, as has been foretold, you will receive guidance from We of the Galactic Realms, various Star realms, Archangelic frequencies, and Inner Earth forces, including your Mother Earth.. Your relationship with your conscious living planet is crucial, for her forces and love maintain and sustain you

Being what you receive from higher realms is now essential to your individuated and collective endeavors, Dear Brethren. This necessitates utilizing all the tools and teachings given you in the past and present. These can no longer remain locked in your mental bodies. Your awakening of your knowing heart will empower your I Am Presence into the Oneness of We Consciousness.

You are all to become conduits of higher realms, not just one or two of you. This is to way show others. All of humanity is becoming multi-dimensional so you can directly receive beyond your human minds what you need to ascend into your divine destiny of Oneness.

During this New Year many energetic portals/vortices will be accessible for years to come to further assist you in any needed healing and processing that you will achieve amongst your selves, and with others. You have already begun this final process. This internal work is essential to your external work, as you know it is a process of inside out (not outside reflecting your current world in chaos. This is the old you are creating the new).

The right and fight of separation, duality, and confrontation is over, if you choose to move into the newness of We Consciousness. Remember, this is what prevented your success in the past. Realize you have chosen one another time and time again to learn what is needed to heal self and ascend from dense duality.

Awaken Dear Brethren now and replace your wounds and defenses with healing gratitude in order to fully move into being your mission of bringing the consciousness and frequencies of the higher realms to humanity. Your entire galaxy, Angelic Realms, various star realms and Inner Earth beings are beside you.

You can now join all these God Powers in your world and be the divine beings of light you truly are.

Fill your hearts with joy that this glorious moment has come!

The Light of Source Never Fails,
Happy Holistic New Year as you advance into the New…


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