This is the High Priest of Telos, in Lemuria, Adama coming to you regarding your important mission at this time. Your journey upon our Mountain was merely one portion of your journey. The book you are about to embark upon is an essential aspect of the journey, as well. Each of you, in a Sacred Triad, with complete equality, harmony & balance have chosen to create a message to Humankind of what took place. Please know, you do not fully comprehend yourselves yet, the magnitude of the journey. Surrender to not knowing. The Truth is about to be revealed through the next phase of your journey: The Book Upon The Mountain.
As a result of the work and rituals you accomplished on and within Mt. Shasta, this vortex will be further transmutated into the most powerful vortex upon the surface. The Cosmic Violet Ray of Love will consume the mountain and radiate throughout the world. This Love Force will assist in the Ascension Process many of you are choosing.
We ask you to pay attention to the aspects of the wounded alter ego in your mental bodies that can attempt to prevent this mission. The complete journey, the physical and post wisdoms, will be some of the most loving aspects of your individual incarnations. Much will be revealed during your up and coming weeks and months.
You will first create a sacred triangle (the initial three of you) that will eventually be placed in a sacred square, to include the fourth, the divine soul you call the guide. These sacred geometrics are encoded with the complete journey.
Have love and joy in your hearts (as we do ours), as you embark on your journey’s next phase. You may have thought the mission was complete but in many ways it has just begun as your new endeavor. Join in true unconditional, loving Brotherhood, reflecting the White Brotherhood’s Christ Consciousness within each one of you.
Call upon us within the Inner Earth, for you have opened the Gateway to us, joined by the Fifth Dimensional energies from above. Together now we shall explain to the world what this journey truly means…”
I am Adama, your Lemurian Brother
It is a very time for our planet Earth and both our civilization within and upon Mother Earth. All planets go through what is called an ascension process where they shift to a higher frequency in order to continue their growth and expansion (their divine soul plan). That time has now come for Earth. And we Lemurians who once walked upon the surface of this planet, through our love for you, wish to assist you in the process of ushering in a new golden age of love, peace, enlightenment and true oneness. The world cannot stay the way it is and survive. So Mother Earth has already changed her frequency, thus everything within and upon her body must shift also. You have all agreed to be here for this wonderful event. It is time for you to remember who you are and why you are here. The name of our capitol, Telos, means “communication with spirit.” And we are now communicating with you our brothers and sisters. All planets are hollow and inhabited by life forms of many vibrations. The sun is also hollow. There is much truth to be revealed…
There are over 120 subterranean cities within the Earth’s interior with millions of inhabitants. They can be accessed through holes at either the North Or South Poles. The northern and southern lights you see in your skies are actually reflections of the interior Earth’s central sun, which we created. There are many names for all the places and peoples, many who once lived upon the surface. All this information can be made available to you. Although Atlantis and Lemuria have become myths in your world, the people of both cultures are living in underground cities. Much of fiction is based upon non-fiction.
There are many in your world governments who know all about the Inner Earth civilizations. It is kept from you in order to continue to control you. We have not come forward because your world has not been ready to receive us (are you ready now?) and we cannot interfere with your freedom of will and choice. If we come too early, there are many who will try to destroy us. But our being revealed is happening sooner rather than later, since many of your are now ready.
The governments you have on the surface reflect the consciousness of the people they govern. The people have largely given their power away due to a lack of interest or feeling nothing can be done (hopelessness). It’s not your leaders, it’s you. In Lemuria we have highly evolved individuals as our governmental and spiritual leaders. Stand in your power and make another choice.
Religions were the first governments and became fairly corrupted early on. Jesus, aka Lord Sananda, who we in Lemuria work with closely, never intended the creation of what became humankind’s version of Christianity. He wished his primary teaching (“Love one another”) to be purely made available to all. Your corporations reflect the structure of your governments and religions. And the three, religion, government and corporations control your world. It is time for a new world creation filled with truth, transparency and authentic leaders. This is not to say you don’t have some good people in places of power, you do. But they are largely handicapped by the existing systems. You the people can choose to change the system.
You can chose to have a new economy based upon truth and reality, not myth and fiction. Most of the world’s money supply is based on inflated credit. Most money is an I.O.U., not real money. You will return to a precious metal economy based on things that are real from Mother Earth, not human-made fiction. Economies that reflect the balance and structure of the Earth will maintain and sustain the Earth and those living on its surface, This means some of these precious metals must go back to serving the Earth, not just humankind. Eventually you will become as we Lemurians, not needing money at all. You will be able to create everything you need through unity consciousness and manifestation.
We have no need for money. We create our own homes through the power of manifestation and all food and commodities are free or bartered, There is no profit gained at the expense of another, for we are truly one. We believe in the rights of all to live in peace and abundance, with justice for al.. We do not need ro own everything and share what we have. Your system of money on the surface has made you all slaves to taxes and making money for many things you do not need.
Ascension and The Seven Sacred Flames are a process one must go through to shift frequencies…for you from 3D to 5D. You ascend from one vibration to another. The planets and the universe are in a constant state of ascension, shifting to higher and higher frequencies, ever toward the light. The seven falmes are a great gift to humanity. Without them you would have no way to get back to your true home, directly connected to the Creator. In Lemuria, we have temples dedicated to these flames with many ascended masters and other beings maintaining these unfed flames. We have kept these flames us and now for you. Remember ascension is the main purpose of your many lifetimes on Earth.
Your thoughts and consciousness creates all the negative weather on the surface. Our atmosphere is protected by the content of our thoughts which is always in harmony with the planet and the Creator. Thus, our weather is perfect. As you are experiencing more love and light on the surface your weather will shift. Have you ever paid attention to where you have bad weather and connect that weather to the thoughts or conditions of that area? How many opportunities do you think you have lost on the surface due to bad weather?
We have wonderful crystal living libraries within crystalline platforms. You can go to any of them and experience firsthand any history you wish. These libraries are filled with the truth if this planet’s history that no one on the surface knows. Much of your history is not true. These are one of many technologies that we have that will amaze and delight you.
There are many space ships coming in and out of Mt. Shasta, our home. We take many explorations into outer space and also monitor conditions on this planet from space. Once you know there is more to life than what you just see now, the entire universe will open for you. You will see oneness and the beauty of the universe. We have the ability to make our space ships invisible to keep your military away from them. There are many people in your world who know all about us and our space-faring abilities. Your governments have kept the reality of UFO’s away from you in order to control you. Suppose you knew for a fact there were advanced civilizations all round you. How would you and your governments feel about that? Are you and they ready to accept this truth? Not as a threat?
We do not have sex the same way you do. Our bodies are less dense than yours so we connect with our partner on a higher level. It is a complete union with each other through divine love and the Creator. Our relationships and sexual expression reflects a more evolved understanding of love and sex. Your relationships on the surface are often based upon duality consciousness. We have learned that our partner is a mirror of our self from whom to learn. We come together with a balance of the masculine and feminine energies. When this balance is in place the perfect relationship always shows up. Then a divine union with your twin flame of your heart will appear, reflecting your higher self. We have several levels of relationships that allow complete sexual freedom until a couple may choose commitment leading to parenthood. It’s revealing in your slang language you often use the names of your sexual organs as curse words.
We do not have children exactly the same way you do on the surface. Much more responsibility and preparation comes into play before a couple can have a child. There are no children having children or unwanted pregnancies in Lemuria. Since our bodies are less dense our gestation period is one third of yours. A couple must be in a committed relationship (remember we are immortal and bringing another soul into physical form is a well thought out, planned event). When the couple is ready to commit to a child they have the spiritual training and support of their temple and community. In fact, most of the pregnancy is spent in a temple where the couple and child to come are in a loving and supportive environment. The child receives this level of divine love throughout their childhood and adulthood.
The purpose of Universal Law is to maintain oneness throughout the universe. All advanced enforce this law, which requires equality, peace, harmony and balance in all expressions of life. This law establishes divine order and maintains it. This law comes from the mind, love and will of the Creator.
The Creator is love that creates, transforms, heals and harmonizes all things. It is the highest consciousness and through its ever-expanding wisdom it creates the elements necessary to manifest seen and unseen reality everywhere. You are an individualized, unique, unlimited expression of the Creator experiencing itself. Your religions have largely personified and misrepresented the Creator. Since it is love, it cannot judge, condemn or punish you. That is control. The Creator is an unconditionally loving force that knows you and it are one. The Creator is trust that only exists in the heart, not the mind. The divine union of you and all that is being spoken here is the Creator.
This is a very special time for your planet. It has changed frequencies in order to move forward in its evolution. Thus, everything within and upon the planets needs to shift also (this includes you). This is the ascension process. So things are changing rapidly and significant cataclysms will continue to take place. Preparations and messages from many sources, like we Lemurians, are coming to you now. Allow them to connect you to your higher selves and the light. We have been waiting many thousands of years for this ascension to take place. Mother Earth has sacrificed much for us below and you above. The end of that time has come. The time for transition into light is here.
It is an essential part of Lemuria’s divine soul plan to care for this planet until you on the surface can. WE shall join together and bring the light of ascension into the entire Mother Earth, to assist in moving the planet and all her inhabitants into a higher, more evolved frequency of existence(which is your destiny). Everyone who ever lived on Earth has returned for this amazing event of the Earth’s transition into light. That’s why there are so many people on the Earth now. Our light has never stopped being sent to the surface, this is the main mission of our remaining here. As below, so above. When is up to you….
The light workers are individuals and groups committed to assisting the Earth to transitioning into light, moving into a higher frequency. These people receive large volumes of light from below and from above, which supports the planet and increases the people’s consciousness, mirroring universal consciousness. And this consciousness travels at the speed of light, consuming lower frequencies all over the planet. Light workers are being born at increasingly faster rate. Children (indigos, rainbow and crystalline children) are coming into the earthly plane fully equipped for the task at hand, which is to bring humankind into oneness.
Our hope (and promise) for humankind is for you to live as immortal beings (like us) and to grow and expand in consciousness in an ever-expanding universe always toward the Creator within each of you. For you are the Creator experiencing itself.
Love is the highest vibration and frequency (energy) in the universe. Thus, it is the building block of everything. Everything is maintained and sustained by the love. Without love there is no creation, only destruction. Love will always bring our thoughts and emotions into oneness. The organ of love is your heart. Your heart knows that love is all there is. Everything else is the absence of love. We are all here to learn to love of self first and foremost.
In most advanced civilizations crystals are the main source of energy and are used in every spect of our lives (transportation, healing, communication, travel, building, information storage, etc). What you are aware of in your world about crystals is rather limited. Crystals, like animals, plants and you are conscious living beings. They are a fundamental part of the structure of the universe. The core of this planet is a crystalline grid that is the heart of the Earth and has received ascension activation. So, in effect, the crystalline heart of the planet is powering all the shifts that are taking place now. Crystalline technologies are powering your advanced computer communications, as well. The first radios were called crystals because the crystal inside the radio was the receiver. There is an important difference between your crystalline structure and ours. Since we live in a higher frequency our crystals are lighter ,clearer and more luminous and more able to absorb and store light. We can create crystals through our thoughts and they can take unlimited shapes and frequencies to meet our applications. The use of crystalline energy is limitless. Your world is changing dramatically and quickly as the result of crystalline technology. When we introduce you to our level of crystalline ability all things become possible.
The teaching of consciousness has filled entire libraries and continues to do so. So in a limited amount of space let us say; consciousness is a unique choice and path for each individual who chooses it. Consciousness is a heightened awareness and understanding of yourself (self-mastery) which reflects beyond you a total understanding of life. It is an ever-expanding process that unfolds according to the level of readiness and commitment you are willing to put into it. It is about knowing who you are and why you are here. It is about knowing through your heart your purpose (your divine soul plan) which is to be expressed through your talents and gifts; and by choosing to give these to the world. Developing higher consciousness involved moving from the ‘me’ to the ‘we.’