This message is a preamble for the 2017 Dialogues to be discussed in combination with Saint Germain’s Seven Discourses being presented during 2016.
Dear Beloved Students of Ascension,
At present, through this divine soul chosen channel, I have been presenting in a concise, simplified Seven Discourse format many of my past teachings to expedite your accelerated ascension process, along with a Glossary of Terms and Tools (You can access these through Saint Germains Ascension Discourses.)
As many of you know, one of the most essential aspects of the work that my ascended master energies have been committed to is the formation of the United States of America (USA) and assisting your divinely created country in being a way shower of equality, harmony and balance for the remainder of your world.
I come to you at this time as a result of the chaos and duality that your country is presently experiencing. It is essential that you realize that your country was founded by immigrants from throughout your world who contained within their DNA (and have passed on to present generations) much separation, judgment, anger, feelings of not being good enough and wounds and ego defenses around those wounds.
What you are presently experiencing within your cultural, governmental/political and economic arenas are a clearing and cleansing of these negative emotions that have created thoughts and actions. It is an essential aspect of your ascension process of moving into a higher consciousness/frequency of existence that what is happening now be fully expressed and felt so that it can be released from the DNA fabric of your people and country.
Unless there is an intention and ability to harm the planet or the divine mission of America (USA), we cannot and will not interfere with your freedom of choice and will. At present there is neither.
As many of you know, your personal ascension process is an INSIDE OUT, not outside in process/commitment through the relationship with self:
S = Soul
E = Evolving
L = Lovingly
F = Forever.
If you so choose, trust and surrender that the mission of your country is secure for those of you who have committed to your personal process of ascension, moving into the collective ascension. We shall discuss this in greater detail during the integration of The Seven Discourses with the Dialogues coming early in your year 2017.
Through the necessary continued clearing and cleansing that is presently taking place, you will release more of your dense frequencies and evolve into a higher state of being. At present the divine mission of your country cannot take place until a quantum shift of your population become more of BEING THE MESSAGE of the mission of America (USA), leading the world into a new world paradigm of We Consciousness, Unified Field Consciousness, which will then allow each one of you, through a healed loving relationship with self, to evolve into World Service. This will allow you to know that your lifetimes have always been about an ever expanding service, eventually far beyond this planet.
For the moment, beloved students, trust and surrender to what you may not believe or know is in divine order. Quiet your questioning minds and connect with your knowing hearts that already know all we speak of is true.
Your Friend & Teacher,
St. Germain